Chapter 11-Surf's Up

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I don't own Pokémon. If I did, I would've given more major trainers in the XY games mega evolutions.

"Welcome back everyone! I'm Gale Rivera!" A woman in a business suit clapped her hands together in greeting, signaling the beginning of the show.

"And I'm Vance White." A man chimed in. "We're bringing you live coverage of the Castelia Summit tournament! Sponsored by the Unova Battle Company!"

"That's right Vance!" Gale grinned at the camera, flashing her pearly white teeth. "Today we have something special for you all! In preparation for tonight's upcoming matches, we're going to be running through the highlights of the tournament thus far. In fact, let's start with a crowd favorite..."

The screen blinked out, before the two newscasters were replaced with the forms of "battling" Pokémon.

A Quagsire sat knee deep within a pool of water, eyes half lidded as the Pokémon lazed about. Occasionally, the water type would wave an arm across the surface of the water, sending ripples across the liquid. Even in the midst of a heated battle, Quagsire was casually splashing about, in a way not dissimilar to a child in a bathtub. The opposing Granbull's jaw had sunk comically low, it's cheeks blotted a dark and fiery pink. Even as furious growls began to escape the fairy type's throat, Quagsire continued to have a grand ol' time.

Eventually, Granbull's trainer seemed to have had enough, given how Quagsire was ripped from the water a moment later. The ground type's body hung loosely as it was suspended in midair, its head positioned between Granbull's mighty jaws.

Then the fairy type began to squeeze. A Granbull's Bite packed enough power to warp metal and shatter bone. The fairy type's jaws were more comparable to the crushing power of industrial machinery, rather than any natural organism, and yet...the water type remained entirely expressionless.

You see, at their core, Pokémon are beings forged for combat. Some delight in the sport, scorning self preservation as a tool of the weak. Conversely, others scoff at combat when it is used for anything other than a means for survival. Most Pokémon operate somewhere between these two extremes, fighting solely at the behest of their trainers, or simply engaging in combat when the mood strikes them. Regardless, virtually all Pokémon are destined to fight, whether or not they seek it out. To some of them, it comes as instinctually as breathing. Regardless of a Pokémon's ideals, the throes of battle can push wildly varying emotions to the forefront of their minds.  Anger, fear, even respect...though for some Pokémon, all these feelings take a backseat role.

To the enigma that is Quagsire, he never once perceived Granbull's attack as one of aggression. How could he, when the fairy type's brutally powerful Bite failed to even break skin. To Quagsire, Granbull's attack was nothing more than a rough show of affection.

Quagsire lifted his arms, embracing Granbull with a smile on his face. "Quag!"

It was a shame that this gesture of goodwill was entirely one-sided. Granbull's jaws tightened, the muscles in its jaws bulging as it squeezed Quagsire's skull.

"It looks like Quagsire's in a tricky situation!" The announcer's commentary followed a moment later. "How will Marlon work his way out of this one?"

The water type trainer's reaction to his Pokémon's passive behavior did not come quickly. Once Granbull finally began to tucker itself out, only then did Marlon act. "Yo, Quagsire! It's one thing to spread good vibes around, but don't let him eat you man...hit em' a Scald!" He commanded, his grin matching the gentle smile on Quagsire's face.

Upon his command, the corners of Quagsire's mouth lowered into a blank and empty stare. Quagsire never loosened his hug, and yet a stream of searing mist erupted from within Granbull's Jaws, soon enveloping the pair in a fountain of boiling hot liquid.

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