Chapter 15-Sand In Unfortunate Places

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A/N: I don't own Pokémon. If I did, there would be more options for physical electric coverage.


February 16th.

The desert is hot. Big surprise. Next thing you know, I'll be telling you it's dry too, which is definitely no lie. I haven't been this thirsty in a long time.

Anyways, these past few days on route 4 have been... an experience to say the least. I expected a lot more mortal peril and brutal struggles, but it's honestly just been more mindless walking than anything else. Bless these mudsdale, because lord knows I would've passed out after the first hour or so.

I suppose the lack of danger is a good thing, because fighting the massive Hippowdon that apparently live here doesn't seem fun at all. These things are apparently nearly as big as the one Bertha has, and that thing is the size of a goddamned building, at least from what I saw online! Hungry hungry hippos or not, there are plenty of cool Pokémon out here though!

As far as I can tell, It's relatively the same selection as route 4 had in the games. I suppose that makes sense, given that those Pokémon are naturally suited for arid environments. Sandile and Darumaka are plentiful, with the occasional non native species, like Diglett and Silicobra occasionally popping out. A Scraggy occasionally drops by every once in a while too, usually trying to Headbutt us...or each other. Sometimes even the ground. It seems that they aren't the pickiest of creatures, at least when it comes to violence.

I even saw a Gible towards the beginning of the day, but it was gone before I could even make an attempt to catch it. I guess it wasn't meant to be. That's a real shame, especially because the Trapinch that are supposed to be around here have been so elusive. It should be fine though. I just got a new team member, and overloading on newbies can apparently lead to rocky team dynamics, with the fresh catches fighting to earn their place or whatever.

Something interesting did happen though! A literal tornado made of fire! It only lasted a few minutes, and didn't travel far at all before it fizzled out, but it tore up the horizon nonetheless! I'm aware those happen back home, but those so called "Fire Whirls" usually need a wildfire to get going. This one just spawned out of nowhere, and it was absolutely massive to boot.

Would you believe that? It sounds like something out of a fairytale or something. I thought I was hallucinating at first, but Ranger Crofton says that they're just a thing that happens out here.

Speaking of the old? guy, he's the trainer I ran into when I was snooping around the other day. He definitely hasn't forgotten, though I'm just glad that scary-ass Nidoking hasn't been reintroduced yet. No Pokémon touted as one of Giovanni's head brutes can be anything but exceptionally dangerous.

Regardless, I'm quite certain he hates my guts, but I doubt that a better first impression would've really changed anything. He doesn't seem the sociable sort, preferring to communicate with grunts and glares most of the time. Definitely the type to keep his mouth shut and his eyes on the road. That's definitely a respectable mindset, but it kind of sucks given that there's really nobody else to talk to out here.

Cell reception is a bust too, so I couldn't even contact Iris and Marlon if I wanted to. Whatever, I'll make sure to send them some pictures when I make it out of this dust bowl.

At least I have Virgil here. He's taken this route before, so he's definitely reliable, to say the least. Apparently making this trek several times is some sort of requirement for a ranger? I'm not quite certain of the details, but I guess it's just a work experience thing. Virgil seems like the type of guy that takes this very seriously, which is honestly what you want from a protector of the ecosystem.

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