Cordelia to Lucie

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The Institute


Hello Lucie!! How are you doing?? Has the publisher replied yet?? I cannot believe I am the only one who knows about this, whatever will everyone else say!! Oh, this too exciting!! Has anything else new happened in London?? I miss it dreadfully, and I miss you most of all, but I must say, I have fallen in love with every place we've been to. My favourite, though, might just be Lisbon. It is so calm and peaceful!! I wish I could cycle everywhere and never set foot in another carriage. Cycling is a pain is dresses, but I glamour myself and the cycle and just wear my gear.

I wish you were here, and James doesn't speak of it, but he wishes it too. Both of us have our hearts split and far away. It must be harder for them, since they have been parabatai for longer, but it hurts so much! I can feel you, like there is a string that holds us close, pulls us together. We must promise to be brave for each other, and bear it for a while, though. I hope you are all well in London, and if you see Alistair, do tell him to reply to my letters.

I miss everything, from the creaky step in the Institute to the training room. I miss all of the homes, and all of the people. You and my mother are the only ones I can ever talk to, since Alistair is so bad at replying. Elder brothers, I tell you. Speaking of which, yours is a delight. He does the sweetest things, brings me lemonade from every corner of the world. He is patient and kind with me, and however do you all know so many languages? I've been to these places before, but lived in them too, but he truly spends time here, talking to people, learning the language, finding out the little places and the cutest cafes. It is a wonder to watch him like this, carefree yet in control. He is far better at conversation than he pretends, even though he insists on carrying books everywhere.

Have you read any new books recently? And, after the publisher replies, will you please be a darling and send me a signed copy? I shall treasure it more dearly than my ring (or my husband, but don't tell him).

Good bye and good luck!!

With love and affection,


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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