Chapter 7: Clash Between Worlds

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More than an hour has passed since we took off from the source airport in Switzerland. We're nearing the target region. The skies aren't darkened as far as we know, but the fog lingers, blocking the sunlight and blue skies.

"Estimated time of arrival less than ten minutes," one of the Twins announce via my radio.

I take up the radio. "Grant, Nemesis here. How many demons are we dealing it?" I ask.

"Looks like it's going down, is it? We've managed to translocate several thousand demons at the very least, but the numbers are probably closer to the tens of thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands," Grant responds.

"Can a few hundred aircraft even stop that many? We're outnumbered one to a hundred at least."

"The demon type known as Carrier transports multiple demons at once, so not all of those signatures will truly pose a threat. Besides, the real danger will come from the Guardians that we know can fight back."

"We'll still be outnumbered, the point stands," I rephrase.

"Of course. The key is to avoid the Guardians and outmanoeuvre them, their plasma-charged burst attacks are very slow and take time to charge. Like chargers, outmatching them is how they fall," Grant counters reassuringly.

The radio channel switches.

"This is Theodore Grant of the UHC. You're about six minutes away from the demon horde, of which there are at least thousands of aerial types. And yet, I—we have absolute confidence that you can beat the odds and use the battlefield to your advantage. Whatever happens, you're all humanity's heroes. I wish you a swift victory," he says assumedly to everyone.

"Five minutes. These are the Twins speaking now. We may not be humanity's heroes—no one may consider us to be one, but we're our heroes, no matter what. We are the ones who march straight against death and evil."

"And we'll use every advantage we can. Remember, Carrier-type demons are visibly armoured and large, plus very slow. Guardian-type demons are those who'll fire back at us with their discharge, you're all advised to use speed and agility to your advantage along with something demons lack: communication and teamwork."

We make it out of the ashen fog as we enter the prime zone of the English Channel, the darkened red skies in the distance.

"That's where the demons are. Squads are advised to split to avoid friendly fire."

"Squads Delta will take the right flank!" Delta says. Looks like he's made a few friends of his own within the pilot ranks.

"Squads Beta will take the left flank. We've got this covered," Captain adds.

"All right. We, the Twins will lead the remaining forces into the eye of the storm."

Guess I'll follow the Twins. I trust Captain and Delta to do their part, but here, any one of us could die at any moment.

We close in on the red cloud. The vast sea surrounds us, a clash of light and dark engulfing the scene. Our soon-to-be battlefield.

"Now, then... Let's show them what we're made of! For humanity! Commence Operation Skyfall!" one of the Twins say.

"For humanity!" a lot of people say at once.

The two groups of squadrons detach and head for their positions, us heading straight on. As it turns out, the red cloud is mainly made up of demons, whom I can faintly see in the far distance. I brace myself for the incoming battle.

"Squads Alpha, into formation!" one of the Twins says.

"Roger," I respond along with many others.

It's all clear now. The horde of demons comprises of so many demons it'd be impossible to count. I've never seen so many at once.

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