Chapter 11: On the Horizon

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Everything's pitch-black again. Just like when I crashed on the shores of France, but this time, I'm undoubtedly dying. How can I still think, then? I still feel... alive. Weak, but alive.

Beyond all reason, I open my eyes and bear witness to shimmering light. It's as if sunlight was shining straight at me from all directions, and I can only see white.

A figure appears in the distance and approaches. It seems strangely familiar. Spear, knight-like armour—

"R-Raguel?" I utter, surprised I can somehow talk. My voice echoes through the strange space.

"Nemesis," he responds and stops not far from me.

"Half-expected to see you before I died. Here to take me to heaven? Well, I'll have to decline your judgement and say I'm better fit for hell instead."

"Fret not, demon slayer. It is not up to me to decide what happens to you after you pass."

"Am I dead already? What's happening, Raguel?" I remember Anna. "Hold on, there was a little girl named Anna by my side when I fainted, you must save her from Astaroth! I—"

"Please, allow me." He gestures at me. "As expected, Abaddon and Astaroth made their appearances. They must have been alerted of what we did or watched the entire time... Something I predicted."

I look at him in disbelief. "You knew what would happen?"

"We don't have much time. I wanted to measure you and suffice it to say, I'm pleased with the results. You, a demon slayer, still possess traits most valorous and righteous—It confounds me. Tell me, are all humans like you?"

"Eh, not all of them, but if you think there's something righteous about me, some humans will blow your mind. I've met the greatest of them who fought alongside me, and even after years of fighting and losing everything, they still find just cause beyond me."

The Twins, Delta, Captain...

"I can see it. Your memories, they burn so passionately... Nemesis. I may not be the one who decides your fate, but I am ready to pass along my judgement if only this once. I judge you worthy."

"Worthy? What do you mean, worthy?"

"Worthy of life. Your spark is not yet prepared to be snuffed out. The Duke of Hell may have tried his best to the contrary, but I have ensured he couldn't deliver the killing blow."

"What?" I ask in confusion.

"After you fell unconscious, I cast a holy shield to protect you and the girl. It has taken you out of there and stopped your bleeding, although I can't fully assure your recovery. I didn't know where to take you, but I settled on the place both you and the girl wished to go to; the structure above Earth."

"The ISS..." I mutter. "But why? Why would you save me?"

"You are a protector of humankind from demonkind and our kind as well. Abaddon betrayed us and helped Astaroth in his plan, but his betrayal was not borne out of a wish to bring us down. Just like you, he operated on hatred and was consumed by sin—the demons' biggest strength. May he find peace in death, he whose duty is fulfilled, but yours is not."

He takes out his spear and stands it on the ground. "Your fight is not over, Nemesis! I implore you—Seek out the Pythia in Delphi, the Oracle of Fate. Astaroth must be stopped, for his presence trumpets the eventual end of life as we know it. His forces will know no mercy on those you know, as you have borne witness to yourself not once before."

"H-Hold on. Pythia? Oracle of Fate? This is becoming too much to process..."

"This world is no longer one where the impossible is not possible. Until the demons began their invasion of Earth you and your ancestors lived in a half-truth. You've never had to experience and see what the whole truth truly is, but there is no covering it, not anymore. Demons and angels are not the only two kinds of beings that inhabit your world. Pythia is one of the exceptions, a myth that was attempted to be broken by men millennia ago. Seek her and the path will become clear. I fear that is the only way this invasion may ever reach its conclusion."

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