Chapter 10: Black and White Heart

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In anticipation and recognition of the sight before me, I grasp my sheathed blade. If all demonic has been purged, then could it be that this is not a demonic presence after all?

Out of the blue, the sphere disappears and reveals a human inside, cowering in place. I can't make out who it is, but I instantly run closer to look. I'm again stopped in my tracks as the human raises her head and looks at me.

A little girl. The being shrouded by that darkness... It's a little girl?

The girl has quite long raven hair black hair for her age and dark brown eyes. To contrast, though, she's wearing a ragged white dress.

What is happening? How did she survive the demonic presence in this city? Why was darkness surrounding her? Why is she out here all alone—

A bell rings once and only once as the skies truly lose their red-ashen look and become dark grey. A mix between darkness and light, perfectly in between...

And in the sky is where I spot him. Abaddon. The Angel of Death himself, descending with his sickles branded, right above the little girl. She tries to get away but seemingly can't move an inch. The Angel of Death points with his sickle and upsends her into his grasp as his sickle closes in on the girl's throat.

I was about to charge at Abaddon, but with the girl a pull away from death, even I'm frozen in place. And still, I frown at the fallen angel. My hatred slowly resurfaces.

"Do you plan on torturing me this way until I manage to pull that sickle to your neck?" I ask.

"I-I'm scared..." the girl lets out with hardship as tears well within her eyes.

The sickle nears and my hardened persona is losing its hold.

"Hurt her, and I'll make sure your death is worse than a fate worse than death," I exclaim.

Abaddon slowly turns his head as the girl continues crying.

"Say something, damn you! Why are you doing this?!" I shout, impatient for answers.

Silence ensues as he quiets the girl down.

"...London..." he utters for the first time with an echoing ever-piercing voice.

"London?" I copy his word in confusion.

That's where we met for the first time, that's when he killed those survivors. But what is the connection here?

His sickle gestures at the little girl, as if to tell me something.

"...The one whose death you witnessed..." he continues.

"The woman? Are you attempting to taunt me? Stop talking in riddles, Abaddon!"

"Mommy..." the girl utters, doing her best to hold back her tears.

I take a step back. Mommy? Could it be? That woman was the mother of this little girl?!

Shock prevails over my other emotions and rises on my face, Abaddon taking notice.

"...Disappointing. You are no different... slayer."

I grit my teeth. Abaddon throws the girl unto the ground and with his one wing faces me, brandishing his sickles as they clatter. In response, I unsheathe my sabre and power it on. Somehow, a smirk forms on my face due to the situation I find myself in.

"I've been waiting a long time for this, and I wager it's not just me who wants you dead. Could care less, though... I'm here to make you pay for what you've done!" I say and charge at Abaddon.

His sickle and my sabre meet as we both try to push our weapons through.

"You're a monster," I say.

"So are you..." he responds.

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