Chapter 13: Lord of Lies

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The fall through the hole feels long, but upon landing, I feel no pain. The vast darkness, however, is forcing me to turn on my night vision, which I do via my helmet. What I sight before me is nothing short of a cave complex. This ancient temple, how far does it reach? Even in these not-so-spacious corridors of the deep underground, there are still stone paths.

Suddenly, I hear a sound in the distance. I hide behind a cracked wall and try to peek through to see what's making the noise. That's when I spot a... Charger?

My hand reaches for my blade. Demons roam down here, it seems, and the only way is to go right through them. I stand up and sneak up on the demon that comes closer. Promptly, I slit its—Wait, why am I slitting its throat?

The demon walks off into the darkness and disappears. Did I just stop myself from killing it? Never mind—I must get a move on. If Captain and Delta are alive, I must go back! I must survive... even if it's just for them.

The lanterns along the road start lighting up again. In the distance, three Chargers are approaching this time. There's nowhere to hide and they spot me.

"Out of my way!" I say as they dash at me and I evade them, promptly dealing the finishing below with my blade.

"Nemesis of Hell..." a strange male-like voice says. It sounds like Astaroth's, but much deeper. I wonder if it's Belial, but I don't care about voices suddenly sprouting forth anymore.

It's not long before I meet four Scouts and my dance with them begins. My sabre cuts through one before cutting through another.

"The Oracle told me much about you..."

The fourth Scout is dead, and I sprint forward as lanterns light up my path.

"Your past, your present and your future."

A group of Chargers and Scouts appear in the distance, and we sprint at each other. My sabre works swiftly with my full trust as I can only think of moving forward.

"She spoke your very fate, Nemesis of Hell."

Every demon is dead once again and I move on.

"That you'd die alone. Surrounded by nobody. Loved by nobody. Only feared by many, both guilty and innocent. You would be forgotten, and your hard-earned name would be used to scare others into obedience."

The tight cave before me opens and there is a large gap in front of me separating the path that ascends. A pair of Guardians rise from the bottomless abyss and prepare to fire at me, but I jump at one of them and bounce to the other side. They keep shooting at me, but I don't stop.

"And yet here you are, the opposite couldn't be any truer. You seek the end to all this bloodshed, having experienced the entire invasion and all battle fronts first-hand. Tell me, after everything the Twins had done, all the lives they took, why are they not burning in hell?"

The entire cave lights up and dozens of demons are revealed in front of me. They're guarding something at the back. Or should I say, someone?

"They're goddamn heroes, Belial. Stop hiding behind the souls of the damned you send to do your bidding and stare me in the eyes," I say and prepare to face the demons.

Chargers, Scouts, Guardians, and others, there's no shortage of them. They charge at me and start attacking me from afar or close quarters as our weapons meet. I can't describe my violent acts against these demons anymore, even though we've fought thousands of times before. After countless deaths and countless suffering inflicted by my hands, I don't delude myself into thinking demons don't feel anything. That's why I just want it to end. If I can't die in combat, I'll fight for something other than death. The reaper has had enough.

"An eternal war Astaroth's decided to finally bring a decisive and crushing end to, but you appear out of nowhere threatening to turn everything upside down. What was the breaking point for change within you? Was it the war? The deaths you've seen? Archangel Raguel speaking to you? Having to kill Abaddon? Anna? The Twins' sacrifice?"

"I've finally realised something, Belial..." I say and slash with my charged-up sabre, killing the remaining demons. Now it's just me and the hidden being of similar stature to Pythia. I turn around and face it.

"This isn't just about me anymore," I say decisively.

The being unclutches itself and reveals its mighty wings and beast-like face. Its giant claws lean against the platform.

"What a rude way to introduce yourself. Why have you come?" it asks.

"You know too well, Lord of Lies. I do not quarrel with you, and you know what I seek."

Belial stares at me for a moment before bursting out in laughter.

"Never has a mortal acted so defiant and bold in front of me!" He composes himself. "Let's talk business, then. I suppose you've heard of something happening up there?" Belial asks.

I nod.

"Astaroth will deliver a fatal blow to your valiant resistance. In Washington DC, the beginning of the end shall take place as the true power of hell will be unleashed. Up until now, we've been holding back on account of seeking to leave some of you alive, but clearly, someone has changed my fellow lord's stance."

I grit my teeth. "The end of the resistance? That'd mean the end of humanity," I utter.

"And before you ever reach the city, it'll all be over already. Only minutes remain until judgement day comes for you all. Unless..."

My eyes dart at Belial. "Unless what?"

"Unless you become who you are. You are the Nemesis of Hell and Evil. That is who you are and will always be. Stop pretending or denying that truth, and calamity may yet be averted. In short: kill Astaroth, and I promise the invasion will end."

"Why would you help me? Why would you help any of us?" I ask, confused.

"Astaroth has overstepped his bounds. The Great Duke of Hell intends to lead us all on leashes as if we were dogs. I am no dog, but demons cannot go against each other. Not in this way."

"You want to betray Astaroth..." I say as it hits me.

"I'm giving you a chance to face him. A chance to make your wishes come true," Belial says.

"And how do I know this isn't a lie?" I ask.

"What other choice do you have? There is only one viable chess move from where you are standing. Choose carefully, now... The thread of fate hangs in the balance."

He's right. I only have one option, or so he's convinced me. What do I have to lose? Most likely nothing... I do have everything to gain, though. As Grant said, the enemies of our enemies are our friends. Then, just this once... Belial will become my ally.

"I will do whatever's needed to put an end to this conflict," I say with determination.

"No peace lasts eternal but let us. Allow me to transport you right away. Your friends are waiting for you," Belial says and begins casting a strange incantation. The ground around me lights up and a pentagram is formed, slowly increasing in intensity. I'm prepared to go.

"Pythia also spoke of another fate for you, mortal. One where you'd die fulfilled and happy knowing you've done everything you could to protect the lives of those around you. Not only humans—all who strive for something better. I do look forward to seeing, then... Which fate will you choose, Nemesis?" Belial says as I start feeling lightheaded.

The space around me moves by me at lightning speed. I feel as if I was being transported through the cosmos. In this universe, all my focus rests on one singular place on the planet I grew up on, Earth. Whoever watches over us deliver me to Washington DC, then, that I might fight for my future with my hands. A future where we can all be happy.

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