1.5 The New Kid

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-After Break Last Period-

Yeah so after I explained all that I needed to explain the class went to normal and after that homeroom was over.

Then we went to our various classes and Mr. Maknamera annoyed the shit out of everyone during his maths class.

Cana got closer to me for some weird reason.

To be honest if you the reader saw us, you'd think we've been friends for a long time but you know we just met today.

I was currently I'm my thinking posture, sitting on my chair with my arms folded and just staring into space.

"Hey Eason, let's go for our next class," Cana said happily as she hugged me from behind, squeezing her ample bosom against my back.

She lowered her chin and placed it on my shoulder.

"Damn she's so close, is she doing this on purpose?" I thought with a blush as I could feel her breath on my ear.

"Y...yeah sure we both have P.E right?" I felt a bit nervous.

"Yes we do," She whispered sexily in my ear, which sent a chill down my spine and making me blush deep red.

"No Eason, you promised me you'd escort me to my class," Mary chimed, pulling me away from Cana.

"Did I say that?" I asked Mary with a confused look.

She ignored me and Cana held my arm.

"No Eason is going to class with me, don't you have Home Economics or something?" Cana retorted as she held me closer to her.

"Yeah Mary she does have a point," I said in agreement.

"No Eason you're mine, she pulled my arm but Cana didn't let go.

So it became like a tug of war and I was the rope and at the same time the prize.

"Both of you stop!" I shouted and stood still.

"Hmm this sensation on my hand feels so familiar," I thought. "It feels like this morning," I added.

"But this on my left is very round, big and firm, yet very soft. But emphasis on the 'firm'." I thought.

Yeah you think it's their asses right? Well if that's the case, that's why you my dear reader 'suck'.

"Oh shit, don't tell me..." I silently said as my hands started to move on their own, fondling and moulding the objects in their current possessions.

"Mm~ahh~" A sweet moan escaped Mary's lips as my hands groped her beautiful endowments.

My right hand couldn't contain Mary's big perky big breasts but it didn't discouraged.

I unconsciously groped both girls.

"Ahh~" Another moan escaped Mary's lips as my index finger brushed against her hardened nipple while moulding her soft globes.

So my left hand got jealous and started to work also. "E~eason, what are you ahhn~"

Cana tried to speak but kept moaning as my hands caressed her firm mounds.

I squeezed and groped both boobs simultaneously.

My fingers sank into their flesh while stroking and rubber their nipples through the fabric of their cloth.

"Ha ahh~" Both Mary and Cana moaned loudly. "What is this feeling?" Cana thought as both females started to get hot.

Their bodies started heating up as they felt again one of my finger brushing against their sensitive nub.

"Ah~ don~ don't stop" Cana moaned with a huge blush on her face as she put her hand on mine and it moves in a circular motion.

This brought me out of my trance. I quickly realised the situation I was in.

Fortunately for me the class was empty...

"Phew nobody will know so I'll just explain to them it was an accident,"

I thought hoping that idea would work I mean come on I didn't touch them deliberately my hands move on their own.

You know that's a good enough excuse for this situation.

I saw Mary's face with a blush with her eyes closed.

She enjoyed the feeling Cana on the other hand wasn't enjoying it. Yeah sadly she wasn't enjoying it.

Cana wasn't enjoying it but she was craving for more the look on her face was like that of a slut.

She almost drooled at my actions and her facial expression was priceless.

You could deduce through certain scientific, observation, analysis, solving a few mathematical equations, going through a bit of psychological studies.....

*Pants for air*

Okay I'm out of words. But by going through all that you could deduce that Cana's boobs were sensitive.

Yeah so fortunately the class was empty...

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