1.4- The New Kid

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I found a seat near Mary and Cana or should I say forcefully dragged to sit between them.

Yeah if that's your definition for finding a seat then go on. If not exit this story.

If you're still reading this then it means that's your definition for finding a seat.

Okay so we were all seated and conversing with one another but there was still no teacher yet.

"Hey does anyone know where our teacher is?" One student asked.

"No!" We all responded. "I'm gonna take a break, I'll be back soon," I told Mary and Cana as I walked towards the door.

I opened it and walked out to the hallway as I saw a teacher who was shaking while watching the door

"Umm excuse me Ma'am are you okay?" I was concerned.

"Umm....I...uh... can't go....in...you see... it's my...first...time teaching so.... I'm...a bit nervous," She said timidly.

She wore a white blouse that hugged her big tits and a tight mid thigh skirt with stockings to cover other exposed skin and a petty coat.

Oh and fun fact, she had pink hair.

"Wow she looks so young, I wonder if she dyed her hair or if that's her natural color like mine," I said as I entered my train of thoughts.

"Umm... excuse me but what's your name?" She asked shyly.

"Wow she's cute, I think I've found my new teacher," I said mentally.

"I'm sorry, I'm Eason, I said poiletly with a smile which her blush.

"I'm...Asia...nice to meet you," she said. "The pleasure is all mine," I said.

"Also don't worry Miss Asia, I just transferred here today so I think we're kinda in the same boat," I said, trying to make her a bit more relaxed.

"So I can help you enter the class," I added. "Oh okay," Asia said. "And don't worry, take a deep breath and you'll be fine," I told her.

So she took a few deep breaths and I watched her boobs as they moved up and down like what a normal guy would do.

"Okay, I'm a bit relaxed," She said, still with her shy tone. "I'm glad," I said.

" But can I h-hold your hand," she murmured. "Sorry I couldn't hear you, could you repeat that," I requested politely."

"I..uh..I asked if I could hold your hand," She blushed. "Oh okay," I held her hand making blush even more than before.

Both of us took deep breaths and she clung to my arm.

While doing that my arm found it's way between those soft mounds of flesh which made me blush.

So we opened the door and walked inside the class.

"Wow ladies and gentlemen we have the newest couple of the year!!"

Felipe yelled in joy as everyone started clapped and cheering as the two of us entered.

"Wait guys, this is a misunderstanding, we're not a couple," I tried to clear the atmosphere.

"Eason how could you bgo for another woman whiles you have me!!" Mary whined

"WHAAAAAAT!!" The whole class exclaimed. I glared at Felipe who at this point was sticking his tongue out at me.

"Damn you Felipe!!" I mentally screamed. "I'm sorry Miss, I didn't mean to steal your boyfriend,"

Asia said with much more confidence which suprised me.

"Guys, guys listen up, there's no stealing of anybody," I explained as all eyes were on me.

I sighed and started to explain to everyone why I walked in with a cute pink haired, no sexy, cute pink haired teacher clinging to me......

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