1.2- The New Kid

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-Minutes later at Magnolia High-

"Whoa this place is huge," I said in awe as I looked at the school known as Magnolia High.

To be honest, the school was huge and so many structures were put up.

The school was well built and nicely decorated. Nice pavements, nice grass and trees, nice girls, hot babes, vending machines, bird baths, an amazing pool, different structures for different clubs.

Yeah and let me tell you that I haven't discovered most of these things yet.

Well except for the discovery of hot babes so yeah. "Why are you so surprised?" Mary asked.

"I thought you went to one of the most elite schools in the country," She added.

"Geez Mary, just because I went to that school doesn't mean I can't be suprised of another one," I answered with some sort of irritation in my voice.

"Well you don't have to be irritated about it, I was just asking, sheesh~"

Mary said as she walked away while dragging me along with her and this attracted a hell of attention.

"Wow that guys a cutie," I heard a random female student say.

"Yeah but Mary Jane has her hands in on him, what a shame~" Another replied to the other as we walked through the school.

"Now this will keep those pesky vultures off my man," Mary thought with a grin.

"Here Eason, this is the teachers' lounge, go inside," Mary said before walking away.

"Hey get back here you're not kust gonna......" I said before realizing she was long gone.

"Darn it, that girl is a handful. Fist she sneaks into my bed, then she drags me around the school and worst of all she leaves me alone to go in a room full of teachers'," I said to myself in a way only I could hear.

"Okay I'm sure leaving me to enter a room full of teachers is the worst thing she's done so far right? Well what could possibly go wrong?" I thought to myself.

I sighed and took a deep breath and then opened the door.

"C'mon Anna don't do this~" I heard a teacher say. He was what you could day an Afro-american with half of his hair white and the other half red.

"Don't c'mon me Harry, we would still be together big you weren't such a poor excuse of a man,"

The woman who was addressed as Anna replied back to him.

Most teacher burst out in laughter as the whole room was like "ooooooooh~~"

Yeah you know that kind of thing people say when you get dissed and they know you can't make a come back.

"Ouch," I mentally said as I stared at the man addressed as Harry and Anna.

"Who are you young man?" Anna walked over to me. She had blue hair and blue eyes to match, a large and bouncy bust and really nice curves.

Wait not to mention her ass, her bootylicious booty, you get the picture right? Not to mention she was only in a one piece bikini that revealed quite a lot of skin.

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