To Make a Client Smile - Kaveh/Alhaitham

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╰┈➤ Fluff: Alhaitham × Kaveh:  ❝ To Make a Client Smile ❞
✧*̥ ˚ AU: After the Sumeru Archon Quests; Alhaitham resigned as Acting Grand Sage; They are married and live in a larger house

    "Swear to the Archons..." Alhaitham grumbled underneath his breath as he picked up the various blueprints scattered on the floor of Kaveh's study. He always found it hypocritical that his husband would always complain about his unorganized books, but leave his study looking like a tornado just flew by. Granted, it only ever looked like this if he was working on a project, while Alhaitham left his books out without the intent of rereading them.

    "Hey, 'Haith—woah, what're you doing?!" Kaveh interrupted himself, realizing that Alhaitham was cleaning up his mess. He stopped what he was doing to look at the blonde. Ruby eyes that used to pierce the heavens a dull maroon, golden blonde hair a messy abomination, and dark circles covering his light and flawless skin. "Everything's out the way it is for a reason. Stop messing it up! Put it all back!"

    Kaveh approached his lover to snatch the blueprints out of his hands, but Alhaitham moved the blueprints away just in time, "I thought you would be in bed by now." It was almost midnight, and the only reason Alhaitham was up was because he was waiting for Kaveh to get into bed. Kaveh let out an exasperated sigh, "In a bit, I just need to finish these details. That random midnight motivation kicked in, y'know? I gotta take advantage of it."

    Alhaitham paused. He knew his husband always complained about not having the motivation to draw blueprints — art block is what he called it. He didn't know the first thing about the motivational struggles of Kshahrewar, so maybe motivation was rare to come across. "Fine, just make sure you get in bed within an hour."

    Kaveh gave him a small smile when Alhaitham gave him the blueprints, "That seems reasonable." "One hour only, I'll be keeping track of time." Alhaitham warned. "Pfft, I'll be fine. I can manage my time properly. You go get some sleep, 'Haitham." Alhaitham didn't believe him, but still left the room. He sighed as he sat down on the bed. The clock on the wall read 12:26.

Alhaitham reached over to his alarm clock, set an alarm for an hour from now, and closed his eyes.

    When Alhaitham had woken up, the sun had already risen. Strange... What happened to his alarm then? His eyes widened at the realization, and instantly got up, making his way to Kaveh's study. When he opened the door, he wasn't there. "Kav—!" He turned around to see Kaveh in the hallway, holding a tray of food. "Morning sleepyhead!" He chuckled, "Look! I made you breakfast in bed — well, it's not really in bed anymore."

    Alhaitham slowly approached the blonde, making the latter feel uncomfortable. "Uh, 'Haitham? Is something wrong?" He put the tray down on the table against the wall of the hallway. The Scribe inspected his face closely. Unfortunately, his theories were proven correct. The bags under his eyes were darker, his face was paler, and Kaveh looked overall more drained.

    "You turned off my alarm." He accused. Kaveh laughed, "Nothing ever gets past you. Not even your husband's tactics." Alhaitham nodded, "Why did you do it? To get out of going to bed and continue working on blueprints?" Kaveh didn't respond, instead changing the subject, "C'mon, eat your breakfast first. It's gonna go cold."

    Alhaitham sighed, dropping it. He looked over at the dish Kaveh prepared for him, curry shrimp, one of his favorite foods. "You made this for me?" "Yes, yes, now take some!" The blonde took the fork that had a shrimp attached to it, and waved it in the Scribe's face. Alhaitham rolled his eyes, "You're going to get curry on the floor." He quickly ate the shrimp, savoring the one-of-a-kind flavor that was oddly only in his husband's food.

    "Delicious," he smiled softly. Kaveh let out a sigh of relief. Unfortunately, he must've relaxed his body a little too much, as he almost collapsed on the floor. Only his quick reflexes let him grab the table in time. "Kaveh!" Alhaitham helped support the blonde. "I'm," — he yawned — "okay." "You most definitely are not."

    Kaveh slightly leaned into Alhaitham's body, the lovely burn of closing his eyes plagued his mind with thoughts of sleep. But he forced himself awake. Alhaitham took note of this and groaned. "C'mon, off to bed. If you had time to make me breakfast in bed, you probably already finished your blueprint." Alhaitham grabbed Kaveh's hand, forcing him to put his arm around his neck, his other hand supporting his senior's waist as they walked towards their shared bedroom.

    However, despite the ten second walk, Kaveh whined Alhaitham's ear off. Stating that he was in 'mint-condition' and 'didn't need to be babied by his junior.' Alhaitham merely rolled his eyes, saying that, while Kaveh was physically older, he was mentally, so he had every right to baby him.

    The architect didn't have a response to that statement, admitting defeat, and letting Alhaitham drag him to the bed.

    He plopped the blonde onto the bed and covered him with a blanket, combing his hands through his hair. Kaveh fell asleep seamlessly, a small smile of gratitude plastered on his face as the world faded to black. He'd really needed the rest. Pulling an all-nighter does that to a person. Alhaitham smiled, glad his husband was finally getting some rest, and gave him a small kiss on the forehead.

    "You'd really do anything to make a client smile." He sighed softly, "Sometimes I'd wish you would do the same for me, it doesn't take a lot of effort from you to make me happy. You just have to take care of yourself."

He turned around, "Now to deal with that... pesky client of yours and deliver their blueprints."

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