A Tricky Case - Sara/Heizou

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╰┈➤ Angst: Kujou Sara × Shikanoin Heizou:  ❝ A Tricky Case ❞
✧*̥ ˚ AU: Sara and Heizou's Visions were taken by the Vision Hunt Decree

    "Solved," Heizou threw the file filled with papers onto the general's desk. "Already?" The purple-haired woman looked at the man before her. She had reviewed the case beforehand, and there was definitely a spike in difficulty compared to his other cases. "Of course, I am the Tenryou Commission's best detective after all. All that's left to do is go to the location I marked on this map and arrest the perpetrators: Tadao and his gang of Treasure Hoarders." He opened the file and pulled out a map from the stack of papers, pointing at a location he had circled in red, "I recommend calling in some reinforcements."

    The tengu stood up, now taller than the detective in front of her, "Alright, I will call some soldiers to help us with the arrest." Heizou nodded, already exiting the building, "I'll meet you at the place on the map." He winked just as he left. Sara rolled her eyes, he was always so flirty. Even during a burglary investigation. She chuckled slightly before leaving her office.

    By the time Sara and her team were at the marked location, Heizou was already there, watching the group of suspicious individuals from the trees. He noticed the Tenryou warriors and jumped out of his hiding spot. "A—!" Sara was about to help in surprise when Heizou covered her mouth, "Shh, we shouldn't let them know we're here. I've been watching them for a while and they're armed... and some have Visions." The soldiers gasped. They thought they had seized every Vision in Inazuma.

    "No matter," Sara huffed, "if these people still have Visions, that means they got them recently. We should be able to defeat them due to their lack of experience." Heizou nodded, turning around, "Then let's go!" Sara pointed at the criminals and yelled, "Charge!" She ran after the detective, and the soldiers followed in suit.

    "Huh — an ambush?!" One of the seven men turned around to discover the attack on them. The others heard his yelp and faced the Tenryou Commission as well. "They don't even have Visions! We'll be fine." One of the men took out a catalyst, another unsheathed his sword, and the rest pulled out their spears — similar to the ones the Commission's soldiers had. "Attack, and don't hold back!"

    A small battle ensued between the 12 Tenryou Commission soldiers and the seven criminals.

Heizou took on one of the men with a Vision — a Cryo one to be more specific. Everytime the man attacked him, Heizou could feel his body temperature drop, his movements slow, and his body become more rigid. No matter. He could just warm up after the battle. At least, that's what he told himself to keep going.

Sara and another soldier fought the other man with a Vision. This time, they were facing a Geo Vision. Cryo and Geo, not really the best combination of elements, but it wasn't like they could choose which Vision they received. Sara stood behind the soldier that was preoccupying the man with the sword. The soldier took careful swings and stabs at him, trying not to seriously harm the other in a severe way. They still had to escort them back to the Tenryou Commission building after all.

Eventually, the samurai knocked the sword out of the Treasure Hoarder's hands. Kujou Sara ran up to him and forcefully pulled his hands behind his back, "I am arresting you for burglary!" She exclaimed, before looking up at one of the Shogunate Samurai, "Kyuuzou, take this man back to Inazuma City." Inaba Kyuuzou nodded, taking the man away with him as he walked back to the city, "Don't you try any funny business."

Sara turned back around to a scene she'd never thought she'd witness.

As Heizou was fighting the man with the catalyst, the man had made several ice shards behind Heizou, ready to impale him. "Hei—!" She tried  to yell out to him, but it was already too late. Several of the small ice daggers had pierced his fair skin. "Hrgh—!" Heizou tried to stifle his groan to not worry his fellow fighters. Maybe he had overestimated himself.

Sure, Heizou may be strong and a skilled martial artist, but without his Vision, he was basically powerless. He used his Anemo Vision to detect surprise attacks from changes in the wind, to swirl the elements of any other element he may have access to, and most importantly, to help him dodge impossible attacks like these.

"Huff... huff... huff," he was so cold. The Cryo shards in his body stung, and he felt as if his legs were to give up soon. Oh yeah, that was another thing he used his Vision for: ease of movement. Using the wind from the Anemo Vision helped him lift his limbs so he could deliver his powerful punches and kicks. Not having such an advantage anymore meant he got exhaustanded easier.

"Heizou!" Sara pulled him away from the attacker. The detective leaned onto her, making her support him. "Heizou?" This wasn't good. He was bleeding, profusely. "Kyuuzou! Take Heizou with you as well." The samurai turned around, taking the detective off of Sara's hands. Kyuuzou lifted Heizou and carried him on his back while taking the still hand-cuffed treasure hoarder back to Inazuma City.




In the end, the Tenryou Commission ended up being victorious. Kujou Sara personally locked them in the worst cell in the Commission's jail as they awaited trial. She then checked in with the doctor Kyuuzou trusted Heizou with.

With a heavy heart, the doctor put his hand on Sara's shoulder, "He's currently sleeping. However, I don't think this is a rest he'll ever wake up from. He'd already lost so much blood when Mr. Kyuuzou dropped him off here. I'm so sorry, Madam Kujou."

A/N: I kinda suck at writing angst, lol.

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