You Too - Kaveh/Alhaitham

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╰┈➤ Angst/Fluff: Alhaitham × Kaveh:  ❝ You Too ❞
✧*̥ ˚ AU: After the Parade of Providence main questline

    "Kaveh," Alhaitham started as he put his keys on the table, "I'm home." Usually, this would be the part where Kaveh ran out of whatever room he was in to greet his roommate (or yell at him/bombard him with questions), but there was no sign of the blonde. Alhaitham didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing. He found his daily greetings annoying, but without it, his day didn't feel complete yet.

    The Scribe looked over to the kitchen to see the leftovers from his outing with Tighnari, Cyno, and Collei on the counter, meaning he was probably home. "Kaveh?" He called out again, feeling a little stupid that he was calling out for the irritating architect. However, he was still met with silence. Alhaitham took a deep breath, maybe Kaveh was asleep. After what he'd been through today, he needed a break. He saw Kaveh on the brink of collapse in Lokapala Jungle.

    Only to double check, Alhaitham made his way to Kaveh's room. However, before he could touch the door handle, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye: the restroom door was slightly ajar. Neither Kaveh nor Alhaitham made a habit out of not closing doors fully, so this detail struck him as odd.

    He walked towards the restroom and pushed the door slightly to be met with a rather shocking sight. Kaveh was passed out on the floor with blood surrounding his head. Out of everything he expected to see, this definitely wasn't it. "Kaveh?!" He involuntarily called out as he crouched by the architect's body. His head was still bleeding slightly, and a lot of the blood on the floor was dry, meaning he's been lying there for a while.

    There was dried blood on the sink counter as well, indicating that was the cause of his injury. He most likely passed out and hit his head on the sink counter on the way down.

Alhaitham cursed at himself. He should've returned home sooner. With Kaveh being the idiot he was, it was no surprise he hit his head once in a while, but while he's feeling faint, it could be disastrous. Well not could, it was disastrous. Alhaitham sneaks his hands under Kaveh's body and lifts him up from the ground. He was surprisingly light, much to Alhaitham's dismay. Kaveh really needed to take better care of himself.

    He took Kaveh to his bedroom, placed him on his bed, and bandaged his head. Kaveh didn't move during the whole procedure, which Alhaitham didn't know if it was a good thing or not. On one hand, he didn't have to deal with Kaveh's complaining, but on the other, what if he never woke up?

Alhaitham knew that was a stupid thought. He wouldn't have died from something as dumb as hitting his head, and he didn't lose that much blood, but he still couldn't help but worry.




    Kaveh woke up a few hours later to a throbbing pain on the back of his head. He went to hold his head in his hands, just to be met with the feeling of bloody bandages. How did those get there? Did he hit his head or something? "Alhaitham!" He yelled out, immediately regretting it afterwards as it caused him a headache.

    Alhaitham came running into the blonde's room, slightly panting when he stopped by the door frame, "Looks like sleeping beauty finally woke up." "Oh, shut up! What happened to me?" Kaveh groaned, not in the mood for Alhaitham's usual sarcasm.

    "I found you passed out in the bathroom, bleeding from your head. You've been unconscious for a couple hours." The younger one explained. That's when it all clicked. "Right, I remember now!" Kaveh began, "When I came back home from eating with Tighnari, Cyno, and Collei, I was tired and I went to get ready for bed. I was in the restroom, about to start my skin care routine, when I started feeling faint and blacked out."

    Alhaitham sighed, walking up to Kaveh, "There was a lot of blood. It took me a long time to clean it up." "I was passed out in a pool of my own blood, and that's what you have to say?! Really, Alhaitham, I can't wi—" Alhaitham cut off the blonde's rambling with a firm hug, something he hadn't done with his senior for many years.

    "I wasn't finished talking," the Scribe mumbled, somehow squeezing his senior tighter, "I was really worried." Kaveh was rendered speechless by the Haravatat alumnus's actions, but still ended up hugging back, burying his head into his neck, "That Sachin guy really got to me. Even when I destroyed the diadem, he was still talking to me in my head, trying to convince me to continue his studies."

    Alhaitham noted the shakiness of his voice and pulled away, "Is he still in your head?" Kaveh shook his head, "No, maybe a good hit in the head was all I needed to get rid of him!" He chuckled, but Alhaitham didn't join in. "Too early... got it."

    The older cleared his throat, "What about you, Alhaitham? Where did you go after the championship?" "Before you cut him off, he was about to say the location of his research notes, the place started with an 'A' and was—presumably—located in the desert, so I went to Aaru Village for a while to read his research."

    Kaveh hummed, "Did you bring anything back?" "No. I wouldn't want you to read it and actually continue Sachin's studies." "Was it that bad?" Alhaitham shook his head, putting his hand on Kaveh's head, "Not for me. I can see how someone like you might be influenced by its contents, though." "What's that supposed to mean?" "Don't get all worked up, you'll start bleeding again."

    Alhaitham ruffled the architect's hair jokingly, much to Kaveh's dismay, "Hey, don't ruin my hair! It takes forever to do it like that." He whined, pushing the buffer man's arm away. Alhaitham merely chuckled at how easy it was to get under the other's skin. "You said you were going to go to bed now, what does it matter if your hair gets messed up?" "Yeah, well I was passed out for a few hours, I'm all energized now."

    "It's 20:00, where are you going to go at this hour? Don't tell me you're going to Puspa Cafe in this condition." "It's already that late? I came back here at around 16:00." "I came back at 18:39, meaning you were probably unconscious in your own blood for about an hour." "That's a terrifying thought." "How do you think I felt? We may not always be on the same page, but we were close friends."

    Kaveh sighed at the word 'were.' Alhaitham raised a brow, but the former shook his head. "You act like we're arch enemies or something. We're just two different people. I would still like to be friends, do you?" Alhaitham froze for a moment. Kaveh never said anything like that to him before. Not after they broke their friendship. Maybe it was because he was hurt. Injury to the head may cause behavioral abnormalities.

    "Kaveh, you should rest." "No! I'm not tired. Plus, I'm not sleeping until you answer my question." Alhaitham sighed, still as stubborn as ever. "I do not want to be your friend again. Is that a sufficient answer for you?" Kaveh looked a little hurt, but regained his composure quickly, "Yeah... thanks," he laid back down on the bed, getting comfortable, " Good night, Alhaitham." The words came out harsher than he wanted, but he didn't care. Alhaitham got the message that Kaveh was upset about his answer and left his room.

    After closing the door to the blonde's bedroom, he sighed to himself, "Kaveh, always being gullible and oblivious. I'm not even a good liar."

A/N: Honestly, I had no idea where I was going with this oneshot, but I hoped you enjoyed anyways

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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