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After an eventful morning of shopping, (Y/n) and her dad re-read the letter sent to them by Professor McGonagall, instructing them on what to do, and where to go for (Y/n)'s safe transportation to Hogwarts. They were now in Kings Cross station, searching for the girl's train.

"Okay (Y/n), it says here the train will be on platform 9 ¾, but I'm certain there is no such thing!"

The girl's father was lost as he looked over the note, deciding to follow the written instructions anyways. They made their way through the station, before stopping between platforms 9 and 10. (Y/n)'s grip on her cart of luggage grew tight with anxiety, not wanting to miss her train.

Her anxiety only grew as her father asked around for their desired platform, not getting an answer.

Finally, her nerves dwelled as she spotted a boy with a cart very similar to hers. He seemed very comfortable, like he knew exactly where he was going. She watched as he lined himself up between the wall of platform 9 and 10, maybe about 10 feet away, before breaking out into a sprint.

She nearly screamed, thinking he was going to collide with the bricks- but as he made contact with the wall, he disappeared, like he went through it.

(Y/n) called her father over, explaining what she saw.

"You need to try, baby, or else you're going to miss your train." Said her dad, patting her shoulder encouragingly. She took a deep breath and nodded, knowing he was right, her train was meant to depart in 10 minutes, she couldn't afford waiting any longer.

She released the grip on her cage and turned to her dad, hugging him tightly.

"I'm gonna miss you so much, I'll write to you every week I promise." Her voice wavered and her eyes welled with tears.

She hated being apart from her father, he was like her lifeline, her wall.

"I'll miss you too, you'll be back home before you know it for Christmas."

(Y/n) backed away, leaving the hug and wiped her eyes, sniffling. She sent her dad one last smile, then grabbed her cart once more, and began her sprint towards the wall.

As she got closer and closer, her heart began to pound louder and louder in her chest, just as it seemed she was going to hit the wall, she closed her eyes tightly, waiting for an impact that thankfully never came.

Opening her eyes once more, she was met with a wave of students and parents alike, sending their kids off to school, and the Hogwarts Express. One of the prettiest trains she had ever seen, black and red, with gold detailing.

"Alright, here it goes."


After getting her luggage settled, it was now time to find a seat, which was proving more difficult than she would have liked.

She walked through the train, Cheese in her arms, purring deeply, and she peeked into compartments looking for a seat, yet everywhere she looked was full. It wasn't until about 20 compartments later, that she finally found one with only one person inside, and she recognized him as the boy she had seen run through platforms 9 and 10 just earlier,

He was looking out the window, clearly unaware of her presence. He was older than her no doubt, but not by much, he had dark brown hair, with brown eyes to match. His cheeks were red, and had a few freckles, he seemed friendly.

"Um, excuse me, do you mind if I sit here?"

He jumped slightly at her voice, eyes widening and cheeks growing red (even more so then they already were) with embarrassment. "Yeah of course, go ahead."

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