School Supply Run

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"Oh wow, a bit crowded isn't it?" said the (h/c) to her father as she gazed upon Diagon Alley for the first time.

"Yes- quite." he responded, in awe of his surroundings.

A month prior to this, the pair had received a letter claiming that (Y/n) had been accepted into Hogwarts, a school for young witches and wizards. Of course neither of them believed this- I mean who would? A random letter appearing at your home telling you your child was magical?

A few days after they had gotten the letter (which they had both already forgotten about) a very nice woman named Minerva McGonagall had stopped by to confirm the letter, showing both (Y/n) and her father very convincing proof- he may or may not have passed out.

Ms. McGonagall (as (Y/n) initially called her) had asked (Y/n) some questions, asking her if anything happened when she was angry, or scared- and something had. Like that one time she had made the kettle whistle in the kitchen with the stovetop off while watching a horror film with her dad. Or when she was walking home from school and saw three boys picking on a stray cat, and all the car alarms started to go off. But anyways- back to the present.

Ms. McGonagall had told (Y/n) and her father where to go to get all her needed school supplies, Diagon Alley.

"Okay so- erm. First thing on the list is..." the girl pulled the crumpled letter out from her back pocket and quickly flattened it out on her knee. "a uniform. Dad, I gave you my measurements so you can get that and I can get the other things to make this faster!" She looked up at her dad, determination clear on her face, she obviously wanted to get this over with, she never did like crowds.

"Sounds like a plan, so what are you getting then?" he asked.

"All eight of my books, a wand, a cauldron, a set of glass or crystal vials, a telescope, a set of brass scales, basic potions ingredients kit, parchment, quills, inks, and-" she paused.

"And?" he pushed.

She met his eyes, face serious, and words flat, "And a pet of my choice."

The pair held eye contact as her father raised an eyebrow.

"(Y/n) you've never had a pet before, you know they're a large responsibility and-"

"And something I need to pour all of my love into, and I'm off to get one right now, later!"

She quickly ran off towards the shops, eager to see everything. She walked quickly so as to not get lost in the crowd, walking past small food stands, and tiny shops before something caught her eye.

"Ollivanders... makers of fine wands since- 382 BC?"

She peeked through the window to make sure there wasn't a long wait, but there seemed to be only one boy in the shop.

"Well that's lucky." She mumbled to herself.

A small bell rang as she opened the door and stepped inside, the boy turned and sent a small smile at her, she quickly sent one back and went to stand next to him.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Harry." he said as he outstretched his hand for her to shake.

She grabbed it, shaking it lightly "(Y/n), nice to meet you as well Harry!"

(Y/n) brought her hand back down to her side and took a look around the shop. Boxes lined the walls, all labeled with different numbers. There was a tiny counter in the front, stairs off to the side which led to a second floor, and a hallway behind the desk, leading to more labeled boxes she guessed.

The shop was dead quiet, and it seemed as though just her and Harry were there. (Y/n) took a few steps closer to the desk, and peeked over it a bit. "Hello?"

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