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It had been a few weeks since the sorting ceremony, and (Y/n) was still having a hard time adjusting to her new school life. On sleepless nights when she was homesick, she would play her gameboy and try to imagine she was home, but it never worked. Thankfully she had Freddy, he was making everything a little easier, and was her only friend in the school.

While she would consider Harry, Ron, and even Hermione her friends- they were in Gryffindor. And sadly Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs didn't share a lot of classes, so she only saw them in the great hall during breakfast and dinner.

That's where they were currently, (Y/n) sat at the Gryffindor table, next to Hermione with Ron and Harry sitting across from them.

From the other end of the table, a boy (Y/n) didn't know the name of was muttering what she assumed was a spell, and waving his wand at his cup of water.

"Eye of rabbit, harp string hum. Turn this water, into rum-!"

As he finished the incantation, he peered into his cup to see if the water had changed, before releasing a disappointed sigh and sitting back down, repeating the incantation.

As the boy continued to mumble the words at his cup, Harry turned to Ron, "What's Seamus trying to do to that glass of water?"

Ron looked up from his plate and glanced at Seamus, "Turn it to rum, actually managed a weak tea yesterday, before-"

He was cut off by a flash of light and a boom, (Y/n) stared in shock as the boy- Seamus, sat covered in ashes, as his cup began to smoke.

She laughed and nudged Hermione, "Seems to be working out quite well for him, eh?"

Hermione smiled a bit and waved the stray smoke out of her face, but everyone's attention was drawn as owls began to fly into the great hall from the ceiling.

"Ah, mails here!" said Ron.

Everyone stared up at the owls as they flew over the tables, dropping mail to students. As the owls flew over the Gryffindor table, a small letter was dropped in front of (Y/n), and Ron had caught a newspaper with a few letters attached to it.

He untied the letters from the paper, and tossed it to the side. Harry picked it up and asked, "Can I borrow this?"

Ron nodded, opening his letters as Harry muttered a quick thanks.

(Y/n) tore open her letter after seeing it was from her father, she unfolded it, as her eyes scanned over the words. Her mood instantly dropped as she read the words written, quickly folding the letter back up and stuffing it in her pocket.

Hermione noticed her shift in mood, "Is everything alright (Y/n)?"

(Y/n) sighed, "Yeah, it's just that I won't be able to go home for Christmas this year..."

Hermione frowned and gave her a comforting pat on the shoulder. Harry looked up from his newspaper and gave her a soft smile.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'll be in the school for Christmas too." he said.

(Y/n) smiled back, it did make her feel a bit better knowing she wouldn't be all alone in the school during Christmas break.

"Hey, look! Neville's got a remebrall!" shouted someone from the Gryffindor table.

(Y/n) quickly looked at Neville, she remembered him from the sorting ceremony, he was the one who had lost his frog. He was holding a clear ball with a gold band around it, examining it closely.

"I've read about those," said Hermione from beside her, "when the smoke turns red, it means you've forgotten something." she explained.

Suddenly, the ball began to glow a faint red in Neville's hand as he sighed, "The only problem is, I can't remember what I've forgotten."

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