Burnt Feathers

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The next day (Y/n) was on her way to her upcoming class, muggle studies. Muggle studies was an optional class, but (Y/n) assumed it would be an easy grade, since she was muggle-born and all.

She stepped into class and took a glance around the classroom, it was definitely unique. There were comic book panels plastered on the wall, a telephone booth in the back corner, and (Y/n) swore she saw a magic 8 ball on the professor's desk.

Students were awkwardly standing in the room as the teacher spoke out instructions. There were students from all four houses in the classroom, but nobody that she immediately recognized.

"Hello everybody, and welcome to your first day of muggle studies." The professor said with a smile. "I'm Professor Burbage, and to everyone's disappointment I'm afraid we have assigned seats."

This didn't bother (Y/n) much considering she didn't share the class with any of her friends anyway, but a resounding groan could be heard from the other students in the room after the teacher broke the terrible news.

Professor Burbage turned slightly and picked up a clipboard from her desk, "When I say you and your partner's name, go ahead and take a seat next to one another. He or she will be your partner for the remainder of the year..."

She began listing off students and directing them towards where to sit, (Y/n) zoned out until she heard her name being called.

"(Y/n) (L/n)?" The Professor looked up from her clipboard and scanned the room.

(Y/n) raised her hand a bit and stepped forward.

Professor Burbage sent her a kind smile and gestured her to sit at a table towards the back, "Please take a seat next to Mr. Malfoy."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened as she glanced at her table, and there sat Draco Malfoy, glaring at her. How hadn't she seen him before?

She walked to her seat and awkwardly sat down, trying her hardest not to look at him, or draw any unwanted attention to herself. She could feel him glaring at her, it was the most uncomfortable she had been since she arrived.

Eventually Professor Burbage had assigned everyone's seats and was explaining the lesson.

"Since it's the first day we're not going to do anything related to the curriculum just yet..." She had a warm smile on her face, "Today is all about getting to know your partner, it's important to know someone you're going to be sitting next to for the next 9 months!" She joked, nobody laughed.

She laughed awkwardly and continued, "Anyways- the rest of the period is for you all to converse. But if I see any table sitting in silence, that's points taken from your grade! Consider this your first assignment." She finished and went to take a seat at her desk.

The room began to fill with conversation from other tables, but (Y/n) and Draco continued to sit in an awkward silence. (Y/n) would have been fine with this if she didn't see Professor Burbage glancing at her table expectantly.

(Y/n) sighed and turned to Draco who was staring at the ceiling, "So.." she began, "Why are you taking muggle studies?" This was a question she was actually curious about, Draco had a- reputation when it came to muggles, and those who were muggle-born.

Draco turned to look at her and answered dryly, "I figured it would be the easiest."

"I see..." Said (Y/n), their table fell into silence once more.

Draco suddenly spoke up, "You're muggle-born, aren't you?"

The way he said it carried an air of arrogance, and superiority.

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