Chapter 6

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Emma woke up in a candle-lit room. She was alone. "What happened?" she questioned under her breath while sitting up on the bed. Looking through the room, it had a desk, wardrobe, a full-length mirror, and a tiny window that told Emma, she had been out for hours. She could faintly see a full moon shining through it. 

Emma didn't know what to do, she was afraid, frozen from fear. She couldn't move from the warm bed even if she wanted to. The door to the room opened slowly. Emma recognized Regina's silhouette immediately. "Did you sleep well?" her voice asked from the darkness, Emma didn't respond. Regina stepped into the room closing it without touching it. "Answer me", Regina demanded. "Umm, okay I guess" Emma's voice shivered. 

"Are you scared of me? How such a change, just a few hours ago you said you'd do anything for me", The queen sat on the bed in front of Emma. Emma cleared her throat, she had utterly forgotten the plan. "I'm not scared of you," she said. "I'm not familiar with any sort of magic that's it", Emma continued when the memory of Regina ripping off her heart sank through her spine and made her shiver. "Tell me, where are you from?" Regina asked, leaning closer to her. "A city called Boston in Massachusetts", she replied. "And where is this Massachusetts?" The queen asked. "In the United States", Emma told her, almost feeling Regina's breath on her neck. Regina leaned back away from her. "And there's no magic there?" A slight smile rose to Regina's face. "None", Emma replied. 

"It's late, you should sleep", Regina said after a long pause. Emma didn't respond. In a blink, the queen was gone leaving behind a purple smoke. Emma laid back down on the bed and covered herself with the huge blanket. She closed her eyes hoping it was all just a bad dream, that she would wake up back home in her cozy apartment. 

Emma wasn't sure when she had fallen asleep or if she had slept at all, slight sunlight forced her eyes open. She sighed when she realized where she was, her eyes aching. She didn't have a choice she had to get up, if she didn't the queen would force her. Emma rose from the bed and walked to the mirror, the thought that Regina would probably spy on her through it flew through Emma's head. She looked at herself and realized she had the same dress on, it was dirty and the corset hurt Emma's chest. 

Emma skimmed through the wardrobe to find a short light blue dress that she liked, it was the only one that didn't require a corset. Emma changed her clothes and sat back on the bed, the door would probably be locked, so Emma didn't even bother trying to open it. The room didn't have any books or anything else she could do while waiting, the window was too high up to her look out of it either. She sat on the bed and waited and waited and waited a bit more. Emma had no idea what time it was. Her stomach hurt from hunger more and more every second. 

Emma had fallen to her back on the bed when the door finally opened. "The queen wants to eat with you", a familiar female voice said. Emma jumped on her feet and took long steps to the door. The guard led Emma through the castle to a giant dining room where Regina was waiting for her. "Sit down child", Regina demanded when the guard had left, Emma sat down on the first chair she saw. "You must be hungry, eat as much as you want", Regina's voice was softer than last night, kinder. 

"I'm not a child", Emma said while gathering as much food to the plate as it could carry. "Being  18 doesn't make you an adult either", Regina responded. "What do you want me to do?" Emma asked between eating and drinking. "Nothing right now, you need to get familiar with the castle before you can help me" Regina smiled, her smile was beautiful, powerful, and full of lies. "The door wasn't locked, you could've wandered through the castle all you wanted but you didn't even try. Why is that?" she asked, Emma almost choked on the water she was drinking. "You are not a prisoner, you said you wanted to help me no matter the cost, why would I lock you into a room then? And I have your heart, if you try to leave I can summon you back here in seconds" Regina almost laughed, Emma stayed silent.

When Emma had emptied her plate Regina rose from her seat. "If you need me just talk to a mirror", she stated before walking towards the exit. "So you did spy on me the whole morning," Emma said. "I can do anything I want in my castle", Regina didn't stop. "Can I go outside?" Emma asked, following Regina with her eyes. "Yes you can, just make sure I don't need to talk to your heart to get you to come back" she stopped walking and shifted her gaze to Emma. "If you ever find a way out of this maze that is", she laughed.     

/ Authors note: I'm so so sorry I haven't been updating! I kind of forgot that wattpad exists lol

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