Chapter 11

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The whole way to the dining room Emma had one thing in her mind, she had to get back to Snow's castle without Regina noticing. At the dining room table sat a strange man, his skin almost green. He got up from his chair like a snake and bowed in front of Emma and Regina. "My majesty", he said in a voice a lot higher than Emma had imagined. "And you must be Emma", he smiled. Emma bobbed slightly. "Yes I am", she replied. "That's a pretty name. You can call me Rumpelstiltskin", the man said, Emma nodded. 

They sat down around the table. "So have you found a solution?" Regina asked. "I think I have", Rumpelstiltskin answered with a crooked smile. "She has to be from this realm", he continued like it was obvious. Regina stiffened in her seat. "That's not possible", Emma said. "I have never seen this realm before", she continued. "There is a way to transport people from here to a world without magic", Rumple said pausing for a moment. For a moment Emma saw sorrow in the man's eyes. "Did someone else cast the curse?" Regina asked. "No, you were transported by magic bean, if I'm right you were thrown into the place you call home when you were a baby. That's why you don't remember it", he explained. "Are you sure?" Regina asked. "Yes!" Rumple was filled with rage for a moment, he stood up. "There is no other choice! If it was because of a curse she wouldn't be the only one!" he yelled through the dining room before sitting back down and taking a sip from his wine. 

"What do you think, Emma?" Regina asked turning to look at her. "If he says it's the only option then it must be true", Emma said, she was filled with confusion, sadness, and anger. How her parents could just throw her away like that, through a portal between worlds? Emma shifted her eyes to Rumple, but his chair was empty, he was gone.  

"Does that mean that my parents are still here?" I asked. "Possibly, but there is a chance that they aren't alive or ended up in some other realm", Regina told her. Emma's head was spinning, how could this all be true? "This was a lot to handle in a short time, you should rest for the rest of the night. I need to pay Rumple so I need some alone time", Regina continued. Emma didn't respond, she just closed her eyes and imagined her bedroom until she felt it around her, felt her bed underneath her hands.

The thought of Regina leaving her alone for a moment rose to Emma's mind. She could try to get to Snow's castle and back before she notices. Emma rushed to the desk and looked through its drawers, she found a piece of paper and a pen. Emma wrote down everything that had happened in the past days and how she couldn't speak out loud, how she was too afraid to speak. She folded the paper and hid it into her corset, closed her eyes, and concentrated. Emma focused all her energy on the bedroom at Snow's, she tried to do the same thing she had done just a few hours earlier.

In a few seconds, Emma could feel her surroundings change, she opened her eyes and found herself in Snow's castle once again. Emma ran out of the room, she looked through the halls until she saw someone moving in the other side of the hall. She ran towards the maiden. "Emma?", the woman asked in the dim light. Emma nodded silently and moved her hands trying to get her to find Snow. "Come", the maiden said and took Emma's hand. She led her through the castle back to the dining hall. "Emma! You're back again!" Snow rose from her chair, dropping her wine goblet from her hand to the ground. 

"Are you okay? What do you mean you have magic? Are you hurt in any other way?" Snow bombed Emma with questions. Emma took the piece of paper from the corset and handed it to Snow without saying a word. 

Snow White read the letter and handed it to Charming when she was done. "You're from here?" Snow asked. Emma nodded. "Are you evil like Regina?" Snow's expression turned serious, Emma shook her head, her eyes wide from shock. "Snow, you can't possibly think that everyone with magic is evil", Charming said after finishing reading the paper. "Of course not, I just don't have many good experiences with magic", Snow replied.

 Emma's heart was raising, her palms were sweating, and she wouldn't have a lot of time. "Could you bring us some paper and a pen?" Snow asked the maiden that had led Emma there, she nodded and left the room. "You might not be able to talk but could you write?" she then asked. Emma nodded.

The maiden brought papers and a pen in front of Emma. She wrote down a question. "What do you want to know?" Snow stayed quiet for a while, sitting in uncomfortable silence. "Does she know that you're here?" she asked. "No", Emma wrote down. "Are you hurt?" Charming asked. Emma pointed at the previous answer. "How did you get here?" he asked. "Magic", Emma wrote, Snow's eyes widened. "How can you use it already? Is it easy?" Snow asked. "Moving from place to place is the only thing I can do so far. Regina is teaching me", Emma wrote down. Charming looked at Snow and asked her to talk alone.

When they came back, both of them looked worried. "We aren't sure if we can trust you anymore", Snow said. "WHAT?" Emma wrote. "We can't know if Regina made you do this, we can't trust you if you won't talk" Charming continued.


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