Chapter 10

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Emma woke up when someone knocked on her door. "Come in", she yawned and sat up. The door creaked open, Regina walked in. "Morning my majesty" Emma said, her non-existing heart still pounding in her chest. "I saw what you did to my mirror", Regina's voice was cold. "I just don't want anyone to look at me while I sleep", Emma said her tone annoyed. Regina mumbled something that Emma couldn't understand before sitting down in front of her. "Why are you here?", Emma asked. "I talked to my so-called mentor yesterday evening and he said that he would like to meet you", Regina explained. "Does he know why I can do magic?" Emma asked. "No, but he might be able to figure it out", Regina said. "Okay, I'll meet him, is he here right now?" Emma agreed. "He has some work to do, but he will come to eat dinner with us", Regina said, Emma nodded.

"I think we should start training your magic, what do you think?" she asked, when Emma got up. "If you think so, then yes", Emma replied, she didn't know if she could say no even if she wanted to. "Good, you agree, but you can't do it wearing that", Regina said waving her hand towards her. "I can change", Emma said, but before she could finish she felt a tingling all over her body, her night dress had disappeared, instead she was wearing a long black dress that somehow resembled rose petals. "Soon you'll be able to do that yourself", Regina said, she got up and vanished. 

Emma's stomach grumbled as she was ready to leave the room. "Emma, take this hideous dress off from the mirror", Regina's voice echoed. Emma stepped back to her room and pulled the dress so it fell to the ground. "Can I eat now?", she asked. "No, you'll get to eat when you have passed your first lesson", Regina smiled. "Fine, what do I have to do?", Emma asked. "Look closely what's behind me, try to get yourself into this room like you did yesterday", Regina instructed. 

Emma looked, over Regina's shoulder and recognized the bed that was in her bedroom. She closed her eyes and visualized the room around her until she could actually feel it and opened her eyes. Emma looked through Regina's bedroom, but couldn't see her anywhere. "That was an easy one, try this one next", Regina's voice came from another mirror. Emma looked behind her again, she could vaguely see a chair and a table in the room, but had no idea what room it could be. She closed her eyes, visualized herself touching the table and looking at the dark brick walls. When she opened her eyes she was in a room she had never seen before. It was almost empty, but the familiar table and chair from the mirror were there. "Good, just a few more and you can eat", she heard Regina's voice behind her, it came from another mirror.

A few more tries, became tens and tens of more tries, Emma was successful every single time. "This is the last one I promise, but this is also the hardest one", Regina said, she had become tired too, Emma could see it in her eyes. "Good, I'm so over with this game", Emma sighed, focusing her eyes on the mirror. This time she didn't see anything behind Regina, nothing but the same dark bricks that were in every room of the castle. "This isn't fair, I can't know where you are by just a wall", Emma said. "Yes you can", Regina said shortly. 

Emma took a deep breath and tried to feel the wall Regina had leaned against. A memory of the bedroom she had at Snow White's castle filled her mind. She could feel her surroundings change, the atmosphere change. Air felt lighter, happier. Emma opened her eyes to see just what she had been scared to see. The bedroom in Snow's castle. 

Emma closed her eyes again, trying her best to visualize her bedroom at Regina's, but nothing happened. *No! No, I can't be here*, she thought. Someone opened the door to the room. "Emma?" a familiar voice asked, she had to open her eyes. "Emma is that really you?" Snow stepped in front of her. Emma nodded, but didn't say anything. "I've been so worried", Snow White hugged her tightly. "Are you okay?", she asked, when Emma didn't respond. She shook her head slowly, too afraid to speak. "Come, let's get you some food", Snow took a hold of her writs and started dragging her through the castle. 

"Emma!", Charming's warm voice echoed through the dining room when he spotted her. "She won't speak. Regina has done something horrible to her", Snow explained her hand still around Emma's wrist. "She looks pale too, let's get her some water" Charming said, he poured water in a cup while Snow helped her to sit down. "Drink", Charming demanded and handed the cup to Emma, she started at the water for a while before drinking it all. "Do you feel any better?" Snow asked. Emma nodded slightly. 

"What happened?", Snow asked. Emma parted her lips, she wanted to tell them everything, but the thought of Regina looking at her doing it made her stay quiet, instead she raised her hand over her heart or where it used to be. "Does your chest hurt?" Charming asked, Emma shook her head and pat her hand on top of her chest. Snow went even paler as she already was and put her hands over her mouth. "What?" Charming asked. "She. . . She took her heart", Snow's voice shivered, Emma nodded.

Emma saw her vision blur, Regina was calling her back and she couldn't control herself. "I have magic", Emma could finally say before she found herself from Regina's bedroom, hoping that they heard her words before she vanished. "What the hell Emma?" Regina asked when she put down her heart. "I-, I don't know what happened. I was trying to get to your location but then I found myself from Snow's castle. I tried to come back I swear but it didn't work, and then Snow White found me", Emma tried to explain, her eyes watering. "What did you tell her?", Regina asked. "Nothing, I couldn't get a word out of my mouth", Emma replied. "Good", Regina said. "Let's go, our dinner quest is waiting. We can discuss this after we are done with him", she continued.

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