Chapter 7

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Emma had wandered through the castle for hours, the guards were no help. They acted like she didn't exist. She could see the night coming but she had no idea how to get back to her bedroom. Emma had to do the one thing she had been putting off of her mind the whole day, talk to a mirror. 

Emma looked at every room she could when she finally found one with a mirror. "My queen, I want your help", she said quietly. Nothing happened. "Regina my q-" Emma started again when her face appeared in the mirror. "What do you need?" her voice was annoyed. "I can't find the way back to my room", Emma explained. "How am I supposed to be any help when I don't know which of my mirrors are you using?" Regina asked, she was clearly doing something important before Emma disturbed her. "I can go to the hall with this mirror if you want to", Emma suggested. "No need", the queen said firmly, she swung her arm, and Emma's vision turned to a blur for a few seconds. When she could see again she was back in her bedroom now looking at herself in the full-length mirror. 

"I don't like magic", Emma whispered under her breath. She found herself a nightgown from the wardrobe and decided to move the mirror before changing. "The queen can spy on me all she wants, but she's not looking at me changing my clothes." Emma thought and made herself a small space behind the mirror. When she was done, she climbed to the bed and closed her eyes, hoping for the dreams to enter her mind as soon as possible.

"How did you sleep?" Regina asked when Emma stepped into the dining room the next morning. "Better than the previous night. You?" she tried to stay polite, in reality, she had had a nightmare about her unknown parents. She had seen the same dream since she could remember. "I slept well knowing you got back to your room", Regina replied taking small sips of her water. Emma nodded quietly, she had sat down right next to Regina and tried to not look at her brown eyes. Somehow they made her feel like she was falling straight to her soul, there was something sad behind the anger and firm looks. 

"Is there anyone waiting for you back home?" Regina asked, she sounded like she actually cared. "No", Emma replied shortly. "No family? No boyfriend waiting to find you?" Regina teased. "Nope, I don't know my family and I don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend", Emma said, she noticed Regina glancing at her when she mentioned a girlfriend. "That's good", Regina commented and got up leaving an empty plate behind her. 

Emma wanted to find a way outside. She decided to go in the other direction than the previous day. It didn't take long for her to find a big wooden door. Emma was sure it would lead outside, she grabbed the cold door handle and pushed the door open. It didn't lead outside but to a giant bedroom. It had to be Regina's bedroom, fortunately, it was empty. "Good morning my queen", Emma heard a man's voice somewhere in the room. "Oh, you're not the queen", the voice said again. "Where are you?" Emma asked. "Right here, on the wall", the voice led her eyes through the room's brick walls. Emma couldn't believe her eyes when she spotted the flying head in the mirror. "Now you see me", The head smiled. "How-, how are you in a mirror?" Emma had to ask. She took a couple of careful steps toward the mirror. "I wished myself here, any other questions?" The mirror asked. "How do I get outside?" Emma asked. "That's an easy one, you just-" The mirror's voice was cut off by another one. "What the hell are you doing in my bedroom?" It was Regina. 

"I tried to find my way outside, you yourself said that I need to get familiar with the castle", Emma argued. Regina sighed before looking at her. "If you want out so badly go ahead", Regina said, she waved her hand and disappeared from Emma's sight, and the whole room did. "C'moon Regina! Not again", Emma yelled when she found herself from outside the castle. "Fuck this", she sighed so quietly she could barely hear her own voice. 

Emma walked through the castle's yards and gardens. Nothing seemed to be alive, nothing but one apple tree. She wandered to the tree and sat down her back against it. She started thinking about Boston, the bookstore, and the bills she wouldn't be able to pay. Even if she got home at some point, she would be homeless and broke. She was sure no one had reported her missing and no one ever would. Emma felt tears falling down her cheeks and she let them. She had been so amazed, so scared, so paralyzed that she hadn't had any time to mourn her losses. 

"Are you okay?" a man's voice asked. Emma looked up to see a guard, his eyes were like teddy bears and his hair tried to escape his helmet. "Umm... Yeah, I'm fine" Emma cried and forced a smile on her face. The guard stretched out his hand towards her. Emma looked at the hand and paused for a second before taking it. The guard pulled Emma up like she weighed nothing. "What's your name Miss?" he asked. "Emma, Emma Swan", Emma replied wiping the tears from her cheeks. "Nice to meet you, Miss Swan. I'm Graham", the man said. "Nice to meet you too", Emma smiled lightly.

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