Chapter 14

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Regina waited for Emma in the dining room once again. "Good morning", she smirked as Emma sat down to eat. "Morning", Emma mumbled quietly. "Are you ready for your next lesson?" Regina asked. Emma looked at her, the queen was wearing a short nightgown, it was dark blue like the night sky. "Are you? You look like you just got up", Emma asked back. Regina flicked her hand and the dress was replaced with a longer and puffier one of the same color. The corset was so tight Emma wasn't sure how Regina could breathe in it. 

"What are you going to teach me?" Emma asked when she finished her breakfast. "You'll see", Regina smiled, she flicked her hand again teleporting both of them outside the castle, near the edge of the forest. 

"I'm going to teach you something that can be used to harm other people, but it can also help in a difficult situation. Fire control", Regina explained. It made slight excitement lit up in Emma's chest. "Here's an example I need you to master at the end of the week", Regina said as she opened her palm upwards and a small fireball formed in the middle. "Is that real fire?" Emma asked, her eyes wide. "of course it is, that's why I told you that it can be used to harm someone", Regina replied closing her fist. 

"Now open your fist upwards and reach it towards me", Regina said. Emma opened her right hand to face the sky and moved it towards Regina. "Good, now close your eyes and take a deep breath in", Regina told her. "Why don't you need to do all of those things when you do it?" Emma asked. "Because I know what I'm doing, I can control my magic any way I want to", Regina explained. "Now do as I said", she continued. Emma closed her eyes and filled her lungs with air. When she felt like she couldn't take any more air in she pushed it all out with a loud sigh. "Now breathe normally and focus all your energy on your hand. Visualize it in your mind" Regina said. Emma visualized the center of her right palm, she felt it tingle a little. Emma concentrated so hard she didn't even notice the smell of smoke coming from somewhere or that Regina had been quiet for way too long. 

"Open your eyes", Regina's voice startled Emma and she burst her eyes open. For a millisecond she could see a tiny flame in her hand, but it faded as soon as she got excited. "Not bad", Regina smirked. Emma couldn't do anything but smile. "How did that feel?" Regina asked. "Amazing", Emma sighed. "It's been inside you all of your life, I don't understand how you could have lived without these powers for years", Regina said. "Have you had yours for your whole life?" Emma asked. Regina didn't respond. "Let's do this again until you can manage your excitement enough for the flame to last when you open your eyes", Regina demanded changing the subject, her tone slightly lower. 

The sun was about to set when Emma finally did it, she opened her eyes, focused on her breathing and the flame stayed on her palm. The flame was small, way too small to make any damage, but it was a start. "Good job", Regina said as Emma closed her fist. "It's late, you should go and rest. We are doing this again tomorrow", Regina continued. "Oh and don't practice in your room, I don't want you to set my castle on fire", she said before she vanished into the purple smoke, leaving Emma alone. 

Emma teleported to the dining room to find the table full of food. She took herself a plate and filled it, she hadn't eaten in hours. Emma finished her plate faster than she ever had and teleported back to her room. She looked over to her desk, hoping for a letter to appear but it was empty. Emma changed herself into a red nightgown, blew out the candles, and climbed into bed. She couldn't stop smiling as she thought of the small flame on her hand, it didn't feel hot it didn't burn. The flame had felt good, natural, and powerful. 

Emma had mixed feelings about Regina, she couldn't stop herself from being angry, but she also made her feel a way she had never felt before. She made her feel seen on a whole other level. Regina could somehow understand her even though she didn't want to show it to her. 

The next morning Regina wasn't at the breakfast table like she had been every morning before that. No one Emma asked didn't know where she had gone to.

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