Chapter 8

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 "Are you here to stay?" Graham asked when they walked across the dead rose garden. "I don't really have a choice to leave", Emma said. "Oh, me neither", Graham's voice was quiet. "It's probably going to get easier when I can find my way through the castle", Emma laughed slightly while she tried not to rip her long red dress with the rose's spikes. "Yeah, physically it does get easier, mentally not so", Graham responded with a sigh. 

"I probably shouldn't ask but why are you here?" Graham questioned when they left the castle's gates and walked towards the dark forest. "Snow White thought that I'm Regina's spy so I decided to actually become one", Emma lied, she wasn't sure if Regina had been able to hear what they were saying through their hearts. It was safer for her to lie. "Why are you here?" Emma asked. "The Queen wanted me to kill Snow White, but I wasn't successful", Graham explained, Emma couldn't get herself to respond. 

"I think The Queen ordered everyone else to ignore me, everyone else treats me like I don't exist", she broke the awkward silence that had fallen over them. "I'm so sorry for you, Regina can be really cruel if she wants to", Graham said. "Yeah I've noticed", Emma sighed as a response.

"I don't know if you have noticed but you can't really feel things the same as before", Graham mentioned, he stopped walking and shifted his gaze to Emma's Eye's. "I've been so shocked about everything that has been happening the last week or so that I haven't really given any attention to any other feeling", Emma said, straightening her dress . "What happened?" Graham asked. "Last week, I went to work, found a key, found a lock for it from a fairy tale book. Then Snow White found me in the middle of a forest that I had no idea how I got to and took me to her home. She tried to find me a way back home but found nothing. Snow White got married and Regina showed up. Snow thought that I'm her spy and kicked me out and now I'm here", Emma explained almost getting out of breath trying to sum up everything. "That's a lot to happen in a short time", Graham agreed, he stepped closer to Emma. "Yeah, and that's without the fact that I'm from a place without any magic", Emma sighed.

Graham leaned even closer to Emma, she didn't stop him. Graham's kind eyes made Emma feel comfort for the first time in a long time. Emma could feel Graham's breath on her neck, she finally understood what he was going to do. "Graham-", Emma started. "Yes?" Graham replied softly. "I'm not into men", Emma confessed and took a step away from him. "I'm so sorry", something in Graham snapped back to reality and stepped back. "It's okay, don't worry", Emma chuckled. 

They started to walk back towards the castle as the sky started to darken. "I love how the sky looks like splashes of paint", Emma exhaled looking at the sky. "I've never noticed, but it really does", Graham smiled besides her. "Can you help me find my bedroom? I still don't know where it is", Emma asked. Graham paused for a second and shifted his eyes to her. "I'm sorry but I can't, queen's orders", he sighed before letting his eyes fall to the ground. "She really wants me to find my way by myself, doesn't she?" Emma asked and kept on walking. "Yes, and when she wants something, she'll do anything to get it", Graham said. "I guess I don't have a choice then", Emma forced herself to laugh, she noticed Graham giving her an emphatic look and a slight smile.

"Again, sorry about the earlier", Graham said, his hand behind his head when they got to the castle's front door. "It's okay, we are okay. I swear", Emma assured. Graham nodded as a "Thank You" before leaving her standing alone. Emma walked towards the big door to at least get inside so she didn't have to sleep outside when it happened again.

 Everything in her sight went blurry, then white and her head started to spin, she started to feel sick. When Emma's sight came back she saw Regina holding a heart in her hand in front of her. She was wearing a gorgeous long black dress that made Emma look at her breasts. When her head cleared up she looked at The Queen's face, something seemed different. She seemed surprised. "Could you stop doing that?" Emma had had enough. "I didn't do anything, you did", Regina said leaving her mouth slightly open from shock.

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