Chapter 12

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Emma looked at Snow's eyes, she felt the tears forming in her eyes. "If I talk she might hear me and kill me", she wrote down the words trying her best not to cry. "We know," Snow said, all her happiness gone. Emma swallowed her thoughts going around way too fast for her to understand them. She sighed and parted her lips, she had to say something. 

"Okay then, let's talk", the words escaped Emma's mouth. "Good", Charming said, Snow's expression relaxed as she sat down next to her. "How is it? Living with her", Snow asked. "It's not bad, she feeds me good food. I can walk freely around the castle, she's not as evil as you make her seem to be", Emma said. Snow's eyes widened. "Not as evil? She murdered my father! She tried to murder me!" Snow yelled, Charming stayed quiet. Emma flinched back in her chair, her mind now spinning, she didn't understand what she just said. She couldn't remember anymore. "You should apologize to your majesty", Charming said with a dull voice as he took hold of Snow White's hand. "I don't need to do anything! She's not my Queen!" Emma shouted as she felt something pulling her energy back to Regina's castle. Her eyes went blurry when she understood what had happened, it was too late to say anything, to make things better, the last thing she saw was tears rolling down Snow's cheeks. 

"I'm sorry", Emma whispered but she had already got back to the Evil Queen's castle. "I hope that was meant for me", Regina's voice echoed from the darkness around Emma, she couldn't see anything. Emma stood up and spun around a few times trying to locate where the queen was standing but saw nothing but black. 

"It was you wasn't it?" Emma asked, closing her fists, she knew Regina could see her. "What was me?", Regina laughed back. "You used my heart to speak to them, I would've never said those things!" Emma yelled into the dark. "I just made sure that you will never be allowed to that castle again", Regina replied, Emma could hear her satisfaction. 

A candle lit up on the other side of the room, it showed that the room was round and small. Emma looked around as much as she could and spotted a dark figure in front of her, not far from the exit. "I've been really gentle with you so far, why can't you accept me as your queen? Why did you come begging on my doorstep if you don't want my help?" Regina asked. Emma dropped to the ground, her knees were pulled to the ground by some invisible force, but she didn't say anything. Regina walked closer, showing her wine-red satin dress and black heels. She stopped right in front of Emma and kneeled down to her level. Emma felt the Queen take her jaw into her cold hand, her sharp nails on her cheek. Regina's face was only a few inches from Emma's, her mouth shaped like an evil grin.

Before Emma could react she felt a burning pain on her cheek, Regina had slapped her. "If you do this one more time, it will be the last time you'll do anything, is that clear?" She asked her hand back on Emma's chin. "Y-yes" Emma's voice shivered. "Did you forget something?" Regina asked. "Yes, my majesty", Emma said, Regina let go of her and stood up. "I hope you have fun in here, you're going to stay here for now", she said as she walked back to the exit. "And don't bother trying to teleport out of here, you can't use your powers in this room", she laughed as the door closed, and the candlelight disappeared, leaving Emma alone in the dark.

At some point Emma had fallen asleep, she woke up from the cold brick floor holding her cheek, not sure where she was or what time of the day it was. The memories from Snow's castle rose to her mind. In the moment she had been so confused, she hadn't been in control of anything. She wanted to scream for help, but she knew it would do nothing. 

Emma stood up and walked in the direction of the door, she felt the walls with her hand trying to find a doorknob. Her hands found something resembling a doorknob and she tried to open it, but nothing happened. Of course, it was locked, Regina wasn't stupid. Emma leaned against the door and let herself drop back to the ground. 

"Did you sleep well?" Emma heard Regina's voice from the darkness. "Can't say I did", Emma replied, not even trying to locate her this time. "I'm sorry I hit you, a queen like me should never treat her friends like that", Regina said. "Friends? Do you think that I am your friend? Not in a million years" Emma almost laughed. "Of course we are friends. I don't pay you to work for me, I let you do anything you want to, isn't that what friends do?" Regina asked. "I'm more like a prisoner, I can't leave your grounds, without you getting angry and hurting me," Emma said. "I just don't want to lose you", Regina replied, her voice distant like an echo. "You're actually in here are you?" Emma asked but didn't get a response.

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