writer, baby

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"AGHHHHH!!!!" Screams of agony could be heard throughout the hallway of the house. Y/n pulled her hair and hits her forehead on the table multiple times. She usually does this whenever she gets writers' block.

A hand softened her self harm before she could hit her head on the table again. The owner of the hand also softly pulled her two hands away from her hair. "I hate myself.." She mumbled.

"Oh, come on now, don't say that, y/n." A soft voice reassures her. "I'm sure inspiration will flow again to your head and you would make a great chapter out of it!"

Y/n faced the person. It was her swede boyfriend who she is currently living with. She examined his appearance. How did they managed to get together at the first place?

Now she feels she is unworthy of dating him worse yet, talk to him face to face 24/7.

Ike furrowed his eyebrows. "I know what you're thinking elsker, I'm not out of your league, in all honesty you are out of my league and I'm very lucky to have you."

Y/n sighs in response. Ike doesn't like the way she responds to his honesty. He bit his lower lip, looking around her room to make her feel better. His eyes widened and he smiled at the sight of a plushie he gifted her on her birthday.

He picked it up and faced it to her. "Remember when we first just talked casually? I was really happy you accepted my gift!"

No response..

"I was actually thinking of getting a ring for myself with your name engraved on it! What do you think?"

"Bad idea." Ike could barely hear her say.

"And why is that?"

"If you get anything with my name permanently on it, you're gonna waste your time. To make it all worse, if we were to ever break up, you'd be left with a memory you would never want to look back to."

Ike felt his heart shatter. "Kärlek, don't say that! You're just overthinking a lot now, how about you take a rest? It'll surely make you feel better once you wake up tommorow." He wanted the topic of breaking up avoided at all cost.

"Mm, you're right." Y/n closed her eyes. Ike jolted at her actions. "N-No! Don't sleep on your desk, you're gonna get your back hurt! Here, let me carry you to bed-"

Y/n instantly stood up. "I'm fine, Ike. I will take myself to bed and you can continue on your work. You don't have to worry about me." She walked towards her bed and plopped down on it face down.

"..." Ike couldn't get a word out of his mouth. Nothing he wanted to say was audible or loud enough for her to listen to. So instead, he walked to her already knocked out state and kissed her head. "Have a nice rest, darling."

He walked out of her room and closed the door, leaving a tiny bit of opening so he could listen to any sudden emergencies coming from the room. Ike sighs.

This is the fifth time in a row in a week that she's been feeling stressed. He's confused. Very perplexed actually. He doesn't understand why his lover would stress herself over her story which isn't even on a deadline.

She has it easy.

Ike thought. On the other hand he has to write three chapters with over four thousand words in each chapters for his already published novel and his upcoming novel. He sighs and begins to type away, not noticing time passed by and it was already six in the morning.

Ike blinked and stretched his arms. He stood up to walk towards the kitchen to get some coffee, it was way too early in the morning for a coke.

He hears footsteps walking towards the kitchen. He spun around and smiled at the sight of his girlfriend. "Good morning~ Did you sleep well?" He prepared her favourite morning beverage for her.

"Yeah.. my back hurts though.." Y/n yawned.

Ike stopped whatever he was doing just to focus on her. "Did you.. did you continue writing when I left your room?"


Ike exhaled to calm himself, he placed her beverage infront of her. "Kärlek, you shouldn't risk your health over work. Your well-being is your priority, it's even mine too! If you fall ill, there won't be a single day where I don't stop worrying about you."

Y/n looked on her drink tiredly, she stirred it using the spoon in it. "Yeah, yeah.. I hear you, Ike."

Ike frowned at her response. "You're not even listening to me.. please y/n, I'm worried about you. What about your illness? You need to rest.."

"Yeah but today I need to visit Luca, I promised him." she hopped off her seat to leave to get ready for the day.

"And what exactly do you need to do that is so important for you to meet up with him?" Ike crossed his arms, clearly not happy with her actions.

Y/n's head drooped down. "Ike, please, he's my cousin."

"Cousin or not, I still need to care for you."

"Who the hell said that you needed to?"

"I do! I'm your lover for heaven's sake y/n! I have every right to be worried!"

Y/n rubbed her temples. "Please tone it down Ike, you're giving me a headache."

Ike instantly went to her side. "I-I'm sorry! Do you want me to massage your head?"

The brunette waved him off. "No thanks, I need to get ready to visit Luca," she stood up then walked off to her room, not even taking a single sip from the drink her lover made for her.

Ike doesn't like how y/n's been acting these past few months. They were never like this from the moment they became friends and when they dated shortly after.

Frustrated, the swede walked to his room and closed the door shut angrily. He sat on his desk and began writing on his computer profusely.

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