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N/n - nickname

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"Y/n!" Luca beamed in joy when his cousin entered the room.

"Hey Luca," Y/n said tiredly. She went to sit on the provided guest chair near the bed. "You look like trash," Luca pointed out.

Y/n groaned. "I do, I'll admit it." She laid her head on the side of the bed, allowing her cousin to pet her head. "Ike's kinda annoying me lately.."

"Huh? Why would he do that? That's not very Ikey of him,"

"It's just- he gets a lot of attention for his works while me who works my ass off for over seven years gets very little recognition? How is that fair..?"

"Tsk tsk tsk." Luca shook his head. "Life is always unfair n/n. Plus, you shouldn't have been jealous in the first place, you got your readers supporting you!"

Y/n smiled at her cousin's assuring words. "Thanks Luca, you're like the closest thing to being the best brother I've ever had."

"Don't mention it n/n! You're like my sister too!"

The two talked about what had happened in their lives, Luca had told her that he and Shu are engaged whilst Y/n had told him in return she wants to take things slow with Ike.

They are currently on the subject of marriage where Luca plans to invite his old friends to the future event.

"Oh! Oh! And we're planning on inviting Mysta! Shu said it would be a great idea to have his brother as his best man-" Luca grinned.

That name..

Y/n frowned.

It had been years since she hasn't heard from him, she actually misses him a lot.

Mysta was the first person that got to crack Y/n's shell. Sure he was an introvert too but the two together felt like nothing in the world could judge them.

One day, Shu told Luca and Y/n that Mysta had left him a letter saying he moved out from their parents' house and decided to live somewhere else.

Sadly, he never mentioned where he was staying. He does however send them letters every now and then.

Ah, she misses him so much.

The blonde who was chattering away, stopped talking. "Oh, I'm sorry.." Luca realised his cousin was frowning, he felt guilty he brought up her best friend. "If he does come, I know you'd be the happiest person ever when you see him."

Y/n nodded. "And I'll be the first to punch him." She crossed her arms, her face indicated she was joking. It made Luca laugh.

Her eyes then softened, remembering Luca's state. "How are you feeling?"

"..bruises here and there. A couple of stab wounds too,"

Y/n pitied him. Luca was recently attacked by an unknown person when he was jogging late at night. The blonde stated he was knocked out and was supposed to be stabbed to death but the person ran away when they heard someone coming to Luca's aid.

Y/n's happy he survived. He is the only family member that she has left besides his sibling, she's very close to him. If he was ever gone, she doesn't know what to do since he was her only source of help.

Luca was some sort of her guide.

The blonde jolted in surprise seeing Y/n's face. "W-Why are you crying?"

"I'm glad you're still here, Luca." Y/n took zero hesitation to hug her cousin, being careful of his wounds. "Please don't leave me!"

Luca felt his heart soften. He knows very well why she was acting like this. "Of course I won't," He has to stick to his promise, no one likes a promise breaker.

° • ~

"She's supposed to be home by now." Ike read the time at the clock hanged on the wall. This is the twelfth time she's been out past eight. Y/n never does stunts like this, Ike started to have scenarios in his head.

"No Ike, she would never cheat on you." He looked at himself in the mirror. "She needs you. She doesn't have the guts to cheat anyway, she's a loyal cookie."


Ike snapped his head towards to the source of the sound. It was his phone. He grabbed it immediately and read a text left by his lover.

Cookie 🍪 • online

Hey honey, sorry I won't be home tonight. I'm gonna stay at the hospital to take care of Luca. Shu's been pretty busy lately.

Oh, okay. Please be sure to sleep at a reasonable time, my love.

I'll try..
If you were waiting for me, sorry :(

It's quite alright, elsker. He's family.
Family comes first.


It wasnt alright.

Ike prepared dinner for them. It's their monthsary.

"I even learned how to bake a cake for us.." Ike mumbled to himself. A part of him has been telling him Y/n doesn't love him anymore and he kind of believes it.

But why?

Surely Ike never did anything to wrong her. He made sure of it. Yes they argue sometimes but that's normal for every relationship.

Who is he kidding.

This is his first so he never knew how it worked.

Perhaps he should ask a certain Prince who's an expert in this area or the popular boyfriend of Fulgur's? He came from a long line of psychics from what Ike learned.

Maybe he should ask his senior Elira? Right. She's a girl, probably she'd understand why Y/n was acting like this.

Ike cleaned up the table and placed the food in the fridge. He placed the cake into a cake box that he keeps every time they buy a cake.

After everything was clean and done, the swede grabbed his coat, bag and keys.

Cookie 🍪 • offline

I won't be home tommorow, you can stay at your cousin's place.

It pained him to say that but he has to endure it only for tonight. He's going to the university where they graduated from.

Elira works as a professor now anyways.

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A/n: Imagine nerd Fu-chan dating a famous Uki. Everyone's gotta be jealous of him.

Hey did you guys noticed in the first prologue chapter I wrote "He was already in love" ?

Yeah that's because he was already in love.

Indicating Ike knew her way before Luca introduced her to him.

Thank you for reading <3

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