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"Pendora, there's a visitor here for you." The light blue haired's colleague said, he sounded rather in guard.

Elira yawned. "Let them in,"

Footsteps got closer to her desk, a shadow looming over her. Elira looked up and smiled. "Sheesh, hey Ike!"

"Hello Elira-senpai,"

"Bah! You don't have to call me that anymore, we've graduated." She gestures to couches that was in front of her desk. "Go sit, I'll join you."

Ike did as told, looking at the shelves of trophies and awards she has from becoming a highly respected professor. "Gah, sorry about that. They made me acting principal."

Elira took a seat on the couch in front of Ike. "Principal? Look at you go Elira-senpai!"

"I told you not to call me that!" Ike chuckled at her bashfulness. "Why are you here? Want some help or you want to spend time together?" Elira asked the swede.

The man frowned. "About Luca.."

"Oh." Elira sounded disappointed. It's because she is. Ike has always came to her when he needs advice and information but after all that, he would never have a way to thank her back.

Ike lowered his head. "Luca's in the hospital for a few days now and he's recovering soon. If I'm not mistaken, he would be discharged tomorrow."

The light bluenette girl hummed. "But I already gave you enough information about him." She placed a finger on her cheek and tapped it. "Maybe he has another weakness?"

Hearing said words, Ike's head sprung up. He was interested in a word she had used in her sentence.


How and why didn't the swede thought of that? Of course other than Y/n, he knows what his other weakness is.

The blonde did talk about it a lot.

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Malewife • offline

I won't be home tommorow, you can stay at your cousin's place.

Y/n frowned, just now reading his text he sent last night. She looked to her cousin, he's currently sleeping soundly and his bruises seem to get fader.

"Oh, I didn't know you're still here!" A person said from the door.

Y/n's eyes light up seeing Shu. "Hey!" She greeted him. "Oh let me help you with those," she stood up and helped Shu with the plastic bags contained with food, placing them on a table.

"Thank you, Y/n." He patted her head. "How long has he been out?"

"He woke up earlier then fell back to sleep. Few hours ago." Y/n replied.

"Time to wake him up, it's lunch time. Oh and before I forget.." Shu handed it what seemed to be an envelope. "It's for you this time."

Y/n took it and opened it carefully so she wouldn't rip the paper inside. Giving up with the glued part, she just ripped the top and took out the letter. It was a bit torn from her efforts but it's still readable.

Hey bestie, how you doing?

I heard about Luca's injury a few weeks ago. Keep in mind that he's a big strong man, he can endure it! Eventhough it's rough for you since he's your only relative, Luca's strong, please don't overthink much.

Cheers on your fifth monthsary with Ike! Always knew you two would keep the relationship going. Plus, he's been treating you nicely right? Though I haven't been writing to you guys often, I keep you three in mind. Unfortunately for me, I'm still single so I kinda hate you. Rest assured I still l̶o̶v̶e̶  like you for that hmph. Eventually, I'll come visit you guys when I'm not busy. Don't worry too much about me too.

My life's slowly coming together right now so don't worry. Everything will be alright, Y/n.

- Mysta

A lone tear fell to Y/n's cheek. This was the first time he's ever written a letter to her. It's great to have a friend who's always assuring her things will be alright.

Shu noticed the girl crying and went over to hug her. "I know you miss him, we do too. He'll come back to us alright?" After parting, Shu took a glance at the letter. "Can I read it?"

Y/n nodded and handed it to him. Shu read the letter in a flash. His eyes went from becoming heartfelt to concerned. "Y/n." He called out to her.


"Maybe it's best for you to stay with both of us for a while. I'd like to know how your story's been going."

Y/n's expression changed. "Really? I would love to tell you about it!"

Shu smiled at her reaction. "Great. Oh and can you buy Luca a drink? I forgot to buy one.." He handed her some money which she accepted.

"Alright, I'll be back in a jiffy!"

After she left, Shu looked over to Luca who's eating silently. "Lu, I think it's time she breaks up with him."

Luca looked up from his food. "Hm? Why?" He replied with food in his mouth.

"I don't have a good feeling about them being together."

His undetailed answer made Luca seem like Shu's only being protective. "She'll be fine. I've known Ike for so long now, he's not a bad guy."

Shu took a seat and looked at the blonde deep in his eyes. "I really have this bad feeling. Did Y/n mention anything about Ike?"

Luca pondered for a while. "Hm.. she did say she was jealous of Ike being more successful in writing than she is."

"Then that's the problem. If the two keeps competing, they'll argue and they would-"

"Oh my god, you're so right Shubert!" Luca finally realises the red flag in his cousin's relationship. "They would fight and argue and scream, they won't love each other anymore.."

Shu nods at his fiancé's words. "I told her she could stay with us for a while to you know, keep the sea calm before a storm comes."

"You're so smart, Shubert."

Shu chuckled, shaking his head. "I know, Wuca."

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A/n: Wait what did Mysta say?

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