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Y/n kept coughing throughout the way as Mysta helped navigate through the hallways of the warehouse.

The detective didn't know how big it was since he was knocked out by a bat on the head during his way home but what he could conclude is that they're on the first floor.

"Please hold on, Y/n.." Mysta frowned. He doesn't cope well whenever his best friend gets ill.

Y/n laughed at his worry. "It's just dust, it's not like I'm not coughing out blood."

This reminded him of their childhood.

Y/n always had low stamina whenever she would do anything, one time she played tag with Mysta, she would push herself and when she fell and coughed so hard, Mysta would be the one to rush by her side.

He remembers calling out her name, panicking when she wouldn't respond. He would shout Shu and Luca's names for help and cry when she was admitted to the hospital, blaming himself for what happened.

The boy was so traumatised and scared, he never played anything sports related with Y/n ever again.

When the two grew up, everyone in the neighbourhood knew them as the duo that never separates. Mysta was too attached to Y/n, he would wait for her to finish her classes or when she goes to the restroom.

Mysta is the definition of obsessive clingy and protective best friend (Luca would hold the title for overprotective).

The time Luca told Mysta about Y/n's relationship with Ike, he couldn't hide the fact he was jealous.

Sure he had feelings for her since the two grew up together but since he saw how happy she was with Ike, he finally came to accept that he could only support her as her best friend.

He's obsessive but not to an extreme extent.

Not like a certain someone.

The image of Eki just fuels Mysta with pure hatred. The detective knows well that Y/n had developed trust issues throughout knowing about Eki and Rias.

The amount of hate he has for them was too much, he couldn't wait for Sonny to capture them and imprison them.

Oh the scene of Eki and Rias being behind metal bars just fills him with-

"-sta? Mysta!"

Mysta snapped back to reality and blinked. "Wh- huh? Yeah? Are you thirsty? Hungry? How long has it been since you ate-"

"I'm fine." Y/n's eyes seemed to have a hard gaze on her best friend. "Is there something on your mind?" Her eyes softened.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

'Don't give me that look.'

Mysta looked away, a hand over his mouth. "No. Well yes, I was just thinking of finally getting out of this shithole." He composed himself and cleared his throat. "I heard Rias talk about Ike. Maybe he's going to be here?"

As they were walking, they could hear distant noises of.. fighting?

The best friends rushed to the source of the noise, ending up outside where there was railings all around.

Mysta scanned the area and his eyes got big.

Luca has five people holding him away from Ike, two were hurting him to make him weak.

Shu was lying near a wall, there was no bruises found on his face but Mysta could see his arms were purple.

Lastly, Ike was currently knifing his twin brother. A look of bloodlust over his darkened eyes.

"Shit, I have to get there." Mysta said to Y/n.

"Are you crazy?! He has a knife too!"

Mysta held out a pocket knife from the back of his left shoe. "Thank Rias for not checking me properly." He smiled.

"Oh.. then what the hell should I do? Stand and look?"

Mysta rolled his eyes. "Duh! I don't want you involved."

"Hell no, Mysta you're my best friend, I don't want to lose you!"

"Y/n, as your best friend and someone who works under the special forces, I want you to stay out of this."

"Let me help you!"

Mysta groaned. He can't fight her. "Get Eki's attention. You know who right? The one with grey-red blended hair-"

"I know, I know." Y/n looked over the fence. Ike clearly is losing due to fatigue. "Go, I'll stay here."

Mysta nodded, a look of determination on his face. "Let's end this bitch."

Y/n's face changed to a confused expression. "We're not killing him!"

"Oh, what the fuck." Mysta huffed. "Fine, let's get him jailed or whatever. B-r-b, watch your bestie slay this shit!"

It was painful to watch. When Y/n's not very focused brain could remember was her shouting to get Eki's attention. Sure she had to shout two times because her voice was quiet at the first but at the end she successfully made the two twins stop and look at her.

Then Eki's eyes were wide. He was shouting something to Y/n but then was tackled to the ground by Ike, Ike gets punched, he's weak now, Mysta comes in the scene.

"And then Eki stabbed Mysta's leg. I think it was deep, I'm sorry my eyesight isn't that good, then VSF came, you barged in, Eki got tased anndd now we're here!"

Y/n sat in the interrogation room with a smile which fell soon after. "Is everyone alright? My cousin, Mysta, Shu.. Ike?"

The blonde officer nodded. "All treated in a hospital right now. Please don't worry."

"Thank you, officer."

"One last thing,"

Y/n swallowed her saliva. What is he going to ask her now? It's almost two in the morning..

"Is your name Y/n?"


"What's your full name?"

Weird. "Y/n Kaneshiro."

Sonny dropped his serious aura. "Oh! My bad, I thought you were someone else. Uh.. allow me to escort you outside, someone's waiting for you."


Y/n gave Vox a gentle yet tired smile. "Vox," Sonny saw the two's interaction so he left them alone. When Sonny left, Y/n laid her head on Vox's chest and let out a long sigh.

"I want to see them,"

Vox pursed his lips into a flat line. "I know and so do I but I think it's best for you to rest up first. I don't want to get yelled at for being a bad guardian."

Y/n looked up to him and laughed a little. "Guardian? Wow, Luca must've felt so extra nice."

"Oh, shut your mouth." Vox shook his head, a smile on his face. He's glad all his friends are found and alive. "Let's get you home and rested,"

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A/n: Mysta and Vox are green flag besties, I don't make the rules.

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