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"Y/n darling," Ike called out to his lover who's eating while watching a YouTube video. Y/n eyed him, pausing the video she was watching. "Ye?"

"I heard that your favourite idol was announced missing."

"What?!" Ike winced when she shouted. He knew the sister of Enna Alouette, his other senior who's a successful solo singer now, was her favourite person.

Besides him that is.

Y/n cried on her on, turning her phone off. "Noooo!! She has the same name as mine!!!" She continued crying over her idol.

Ike stared at her. His expression didn't seem like an amused one.

Yes the Y/n Alouette was announced missing in the news earlier, but what about her boyfriend?

What face would she make if he dies?

Would she cry or would she be happy?

Ike then stood from his seat and walks over to her side, comforting the girl while giving her rubs on her back and kisses on her forehead. "There, there."

Maybe the swede would have to speak about this to a certain someone.

‎° • ~

"Hello there," Ike smiled to the one who was in charge of the front desk.

The female officer looked up from her computer and blushed seeing Ike. "How can I be a help to you?" She then asked after calming herself down.

"I want to speak to officer Sonny Brisko,"

"Oh!" The accountant perked. "I didn't know you were a friend of his." Typing a few words in her computer, she called the said officer and briefly ended it. "He'll see you in his office."

After saying thank you and giving her a slight bow, Ike went in the said office. Knocking on the opened door, Sonny's face lit up at the sight of Ike. "Hey! Come on in, close the door while you're at it."

Ike did as told and sat on one of the chairs positioned infront of Sonny's desk. "How are you, Ike? I haven't seen you after Fu-chan's graduation!"

"I'm fine Sonny," The swede answered briefly. "Speaking of him, I haven't heard any news from Fu-chan either."

Sonny nodded, an annoyed expression displayed on his face. "Right? I'm his best friend yet he hasn't said a word to me." The blonde junior officer then shook his head. "Anyways, why are you here? Seeing as you're in the station without informing me, it must be serious."

"It actually quite is. Well, to my girlfriend that is." Ike sighed. "Is Alouette really-"

"Oh man, not this again." Sonny cuts him off. The blonde's face showed stress and annoyance. It seems he had questions asked about this case before. "We're still investigating, it's just that our professional detective isn't present at the moment.."

Ike's interest perked at the mention of the word detective. "We were informed that our detective was on vacation leave a month ago. He was expected to be working a few days ago but he's stated missing now." Sonny frowned.

Ah, that sounds familiar.

Walking to the kitchen, a familiar figure yawned and opened the fridge to pick out a drink. There wasn't that many options there as the person who owned the place rarely visits.

"Gosh, it's spoiled." His cockney accent came out unexpectedly when he was grossed out by the smell of expired milk. However, the brit took a deep breath and consumed the drink, not caring about his health.

He threw the empty plastic jug to the trashcan which he missed miserably. He didn't care, he laid on the couch and turned on his phone.

"I hate him so much." The person groaned when his phone did not receive any internet connection and service.

The person then heard a quiet squeak coming from one of the doorways. This aggravated him to sit up and investigate the sound.

"Oh, it's you." The other person stayed still as if he was frozen in place, not uttering a word or moving a muscle. "If you're wondering which Mysta I am, I'm not your friend."


"That's my name alright," Rias laid back on the couch, not caring a thing the person would dare to do. Besides, the owner of the house didn't purchase any sharp objects that could be labelled as a weapon.

Rias would praise him for that.

"I know you don't like me but.. any news on my girlfriend?"

Rias rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Listen Ike, I hate her. I hate her so much that I don't care if she burns and dies. I don't know a single shit about her." He spat out.

Ike swallowed his own saliva. He hopes his lover is still well and alive and what his captor's assistant was just spitting words of hatred.

"You could ask Eki though, he spends an awful lot of time with her." Ike's eyes widened when his name was brought up.


"Are you deaf or something? Yes, your twin brother." Rias then stood up and unlocked the front door. "Holy shit, you're annoying me. Do stupid shit and you're the one that's going to be tied to the pole."

But Rias stopped in his tracks, he was blocked by someone by the doorway.

"You were leaving? I just got back with food." Another voice joined in. It was exactly the same copy of Ike's voice.

When the person came inside, he smiled at Ike. "You're awake! I thought you died when I knocked you out,"

Ike felt rising anger boiling up when he saw him. The person in front of him had the audacity to laugh about his well-being while it was him who had been hurting him.

Handing the bags to Rias who's annoyed in return, Eki looked around the room. "Well, I was just about to prepare dinner for you three. Where's Mysta?"

"I'm here, dipshit." Mysta appeared behind Ike which scared the swede a bit. Eki clapped his hands together. "Great! This means I can speak to you three about what happened today!"

"You okay there Ikey?" Mysta asked the clearly depressed Ike who rolled himself in his poor quality blanket. "How would you feel if your twin brother were to take your life away from you and kisses your girlfriend daily."

Mysta frowned. "I would feel like shit too.." Wanting to comfort him more, the brit sat at the end of Ike's bed. "I know we're not close but I know we'll get out of this shithole together,"

"I would rather work than being here," Mysta pulled the sleeve of his short up and examined his wounds. "Besides, I have a very intelligent brother." It was his way of saying his brother would find them.

And he sure as hell was right.

At the Kaneshiro house, Shu was currently investigating the location of Ike's whereabouts all thanks to the little gizmo he created and with the help of Y/n.

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