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"What the HELL do you mean when you said you HAVE her?!"

Eki chuckled. "She's my girlfriend, of course I have her with me."

Heavy angry pants could be heard from the other line. "You asshole." The blonde growled. Eki could hear a distant 'hey!?' in the background.

"Tell us where Y/n and my brother is at, now."

"Oh? Is this the same Shu Yamino I know? You should get more angrier, you sound really.. hm, I don't want to sound explicit but you do sound-"

"That's my fiancé you dumb-fuck."

"Luca, Luca, Luca." Eki shook his head. "You need to calm down more. Anger would get you nowhere but being patient has it's rewards." He smiled although the three wouldn't see it.

"Eki, leave them alone! What did they even do to you?!"

Eki's sadistic smile fell and changed to an annoyed flat-lined frown. "Give the phone to my brother." He said in a blunt tone.

There was a deafening silence during fge moment of the call. Eki waited impatiently for his twin brother to answer.

"..Hello?" A weaker version of his voice calls out.

Eki silently clicked his tongue. "Tell them to leave. This is a private conversation between you and me."

"..okay" Eki could hear his brother telling the two engaged couple to leave him alone in the room.

After hearing a door shut in from the other line, Eki smiled. "Good. Now about my darling."

"She's not yours."

As Eki was about to argue, Ike continued. "She's not mine or anyone else's. Y/n is her own person and should be treated as an adult. She can take care of herself. I know I got worried about her well-being because of her illness but seriously? You kidnapped me, took my place, stole my partner and then proceeded to treat her like a child who can't think! That's not love Eki, you and I both know that."

"I didn't want you to answer the phone just so you could lecture me on how to take care of my darling." Eki huffed. "I was going to tell you their whereabouts, but I guess you wouldn't care enough-"

"No, no, please! Tell me where they are."

"The warehouse where we used to hang out together. As actual brothers. You know where that is."

"Wait, you mean the-"

"Don't keep us waiting."

With that, Eki hang up the phone call and slammed his phone on the table with frustration. Moments later, his frustration turned to excitement.

The red highlighted haired sweded hummed in joy. In a few hours later, his brother along with Luca, Shu and probably Vox would have no choice but to arrive at the place he had told them beforehand. Of course it didn't go as nicely as it went, Luca basically yelled during the phone call..

But nevertheless, he couldn't contain his joy!

Let's see who they would choose to live.

° • ~

Mysta stirred painfully from being unconscious. He looked around and blinked, the blindfold that he once had one hour ago was taken off. The environment around him.. everything was blurry, he couldn't see clearly.

Does he need glasses now?

"Mysta!" Someone whispered-yelled.

The brit blinked.

"Turn to your right!"

Mysta did as told and turned his head.

"That's your left, bestie!"

Although embarassed, he turned the other way. He sees Y/n tied up on a chair too. Mysta yelled at his best friend but his voice was compressed due to the cloth in mouth.

"Shh! Don't be so loud, Rias is guarding the door."

Mysta looked around, there seem to be something he could use to break free from the ropes.

"Nhmph fu fekicle?"

Y/n raised a brow. "..what?"

"Nhmph fu fekicle?!"

"Oh.." Y/n finally understands his gibberish. They're at that point of friendship where they can understand each other's nonsense. "No, I'm not flexible. Some parts I am.. but no I'm not, why?"

Mysta huffed, he slides his chair closer to his best friend. Surprisingly, he did so by being very quiet.

He ends up sliding his chair behind Y/n so their tied hands were close to each other.

As Mysta was trying to untie hus best friend's hands first, the door opened to where they're captivated opened. "What the shit?" Rias whispered loud enough for the two to hear.

"I don't know how he placed you two earlier but you two better not fuck around."

Rias turned around facing the door, he pulled out his phone and started to dial Eki who was getting them something to eat.

Eki's not that mean.


Rias rolled his eyes. He's very much mean.

Mysta took this chance to fully untie Y/n and when her hands were released, she quickly tried to untie her legs. Rias was still busy on the phone, he was arguing with Eki.

"He always does that." Mysta whispered very quietly when Y/n untie his legs and Mysta untying his own hands. When his hands were untied, Y/n looked at her best friend in amazement. "I'm an officer," He thanked his years of police training.

Mysta looked around the room. There was a small knife, a cloth and more ropes. He turned to his best friend. "You won't like me for this,"

Y/n only raised a brow.

Mysta took a deep breath. "Hey dipshit."

Rias pressed end call then turned his head, his expression was annoyed.

His eyes widened after seeing Mysta standing in front of him with a smirk. "Shit-" Y/n pushed him towards Mysta, grabbed the phone and ended the call.

Rias was falling straight into Mysta's direction but quickly, Mysta moved out of the way and with that Rias hits his head from a side of a table.

Mysta and Y/n watched his body on the floor.

"Is he alive..?"

Mysta crouched down and placed two of his fingers on Rias' neck. He nodded when he felt movement. "He is," he checked Rias' pockets then stood up and stretched.

"God I'm getting deja vu." Mysta tiredly said.

Y/n coughed violently. Mysta quickly went to her side. "Are you alright?!"

"Yeah, just a cough." She weakly replied. In her hands was Rias' phone so she handed it to Mysta.

Luckily his phone call with Eki ended earlier. Rias' phone lock was just face recognition which Mysta could easily use to break in the phone.

The detective pressed some numbers and waited patiently.

"This is VSF's police officer Sonny Brisko speaking."

"Hey Sonny,"


Mysta sighed. "Not now, will tell you everything after. I need you to send people in my location just track this phone."


Mysta tossed the phone away after the call ended, he doesn't care because it's not his. He turned to his best friend. "Let's get out of here.."

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