Chapter 37: Tomorrow's Promise

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The road so far...


Kevin and Crowley

"I mean, darling boy, that if my theory is correct- these cities will be piled high with walls of corpses."

"Crowley, that's insane. There's no way she could create a civil war, it would kill everyone. Not just angels."

"I don't know her motives but that's what she seems to want."

"Why? She's an angel. That makes absolutely no sense, you get that, right?"

"Well, the only idea I can come up with is that there's something she wants out of this. Maybe she wants the throne back, she used to be a force to be reckoned with but now that she's just 'Mother of the Kings', she's not seen as a threat anymore. That has to be a hard hit to her pride."

"She's willing to risk everyone's lives just so she can restore her foolish pride?" Kevin asked in awe, brows furrowed in anger.

"People in the Old World did much worse for so much less. She will have ultimate power over those who manage to survive. We need to be sure before we choose a side."

"Choose a side? In a war? Crowley, I'm not ready for this kind of decision. I'm a kid. Who's side I'm on doesn't matter, does it? I'll die regardless."

"No, Kevin, you will not die. I won't let you. We need to figure out who's side we're on. It's not about humans versus angels anymore, so much as it is Lady Abaddon versus everyone who opposes her. Our morals don't matter now, boy, we need to decide depending on which side gives us a higher chance of surviving after everything blows over."

"Where does that leave the Winchesters? If they oppose her," Kevin murmured, worry evident in his voice.

"I know, Kevin... I know."


Dean gave a huff of satisfaction, after only a little over two hours of organizing, he had finished the records room. He could organize further quite easily, Dean observed, but that would have to be done another time.

He had made his decision, Cas was more important and he could get to Michael another way. Anything was better than hurting Cas, Dean told himself, slipping out of the records room, heading up the stairs towards Castiel's room.


"Hey, Castiel." Lucifer smiled, "Michael sent me to tell you that he changed his mind, that he wanted Dean to remain your servant."

Castiel sighed, not entirely happy, Dean had still wanted to abandon him. He was near the end of a game of chess, his eyes glued to the knight he stroked with his fingertip, Lucifer watched the boy in interest.

"Also, Michael wanted me to tell you you're allowed to leave your room whenever you please."

"What?" Castiel asked, speechless.

"I am given permission to let all staff in the mansion know about you. You can also go in the backyard as long as you aren't in the front yard, which faces the city."

"Really?" Castiel asked, smiling in excitement.

"Want me to tell your boyfriend or do you want to?" Lucifer asked jokingly.

"I'll tell him," Castiel pinched the chess piece between his fingers, picking it up and rolling it in his palm. "I want him to hear it from me."

"Okay, well, I'm going to go tell everyone about the angelic skeleton in the closet- so to speak. Tell Dean I said hi."

Castiel's eyes bore into the eyes of the equestrian chess piece before he set the piece forward on the board, beside the other black knight on his side. "Check."

Dean reached up his hand to knock on the door, but Castiel opened the door before he could.

"Oh, hey, Cas. We need to talk. I gotta tell you something."

Castiel nodded with uncertainty, "Alright, I have something to tell you too."

Dean wrenched his hands before reaching out and touching Castiel's cheek, fumbling over his words. "I was an idiot for even considering moving posts, I want to stay here with you- I don't care if we have to be a secret, I really like you, Cas."

"I'm glad you say that, Dean, because I've just been informed that I am no longer going to be a secret within the household. Which means we can start dating, if you want."

"Really?" Dean asked, slightly put off by the sudden change in events.

"Yes. My brother Lucifer is telling your family about me as we speak."

"Wow." Dean muttered, the wing on his back suddenly feeling like an anvil upon his shoulders. Could he trust Castiel with his secret? Surely, the boy would keep the secret if only because he didn't like Michael. However, wouldn't Dean's intentions then be apparent, from that point? And what would Castiel do if he knew the truth?

Dean shook his head in dismissal, he was being paranoid.

"Dean, would you want to?" Castiel's voice had taken on a tinge of vulnerability. "Date officially?"

"Yeah, Cas," Dean smiled, trying to clear his head of the thoughts of Michael. "I'd love that."

Castiel smiled, "Well, great. If you can sneak me out tonight, there's a place I want you to see."

Dean's heart tore at the seams, watching Castiel's smile growing grow once he agreed. "Where did you wanna go?"

"There's this place on the coast, I went there with Balthazar as a child. It's beautiful. Quiet. We can be alone there." Castiel's smile was genuine as he wrapped his arms around Dean's neck, pulling him close. "It's my secret place. I went there a few times when I snuck out. We can go tomorrow, if that's okay with you."

Dean's eyes strayed from Castiel's, toward the window and landing onto that of Arya. Tomorrow seemed like a promise. Dean had never really held well to promises. Even now, by involving himself with Castiel he was risking the promise to protect his family, but wasn't Castiel his family too?

"Sure, Cas," Dean murmured, laying his cheek against the boy's shoulder. "Tomorrow."
The fanart above is by the amazing CastielAnAngelOfTheLord on and you can find her on twitter at CastielArtSPN

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