Chapter 7: Given Permission

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After a long (and extremely drawn out) talk with Michael, he agreed to allow a temporary arrangement of Dean working for Castiel and eventually, for him. The thought made Michael cringe, but he could use the help of a servant on occasion even if they were... human. Just the thought of the word made him gag as he rifled through his paperwork he needed ready for the meeting with his brothers. He needed to be well-prepared upon their arrival. Sam, realizing he was intruding on the angel's train of thought, he quietly excused himself to the outside of the double doors where the head of Special Police and his trainee were waiting to escort him back to his duties.

"So, whatever you as'ed 'im? Did 'e agree or did 'e blow ya off?" he said with mild interest, adjusting his helmet.

"He agreed."

"That's a first." he heard the trainee mumble under his breath.

"Sir Michael is a wise man, he knows what's best." Sam said shorlty, scolding both of them.

"Wise he may be, fair he isn't. He thinks humans scum, if ya haven't figured it out."

"Dean, go on ahead. It's all set." Sam told his brother, ignoring the two who were now talking aloofly behind him.

"Who are those guys? They're making it pretty obvious they don't like their jobs, bet they don't get many bonuses." Dean suppressed his amusement.

"No idea, part of the Special Police. They're hired only for status and fighting abilities, probably." he muttered, pointing to Castiel's room. "He's in there."

Dean nodded, opening the door slowly. The room was dark, the curtains drawn and no lamps lit so you could see around the room. He closed the door behind him, walking into the middle of the room. Spotting a candle, he pulled a box of matches from his pocket and lit the tall, black candle. He took another look and noticed a figure standing in the corner, watching him. The light from the candle only gave their eyes a soft, almost nightshine glow. Walking over, candle in hand, he walked closer and brought the candle closer.

"Hey, what're you hiding for?" Dean said with a small smile, trying to sound consoling.

He'd been told by Sam that who he was serving was to remain a secret but that they were around the same age and that he was very polite, although extremely distant. He'd also been told that Sam was also very open with this angel, something that was beyond a little strange to Dean, who knows that every human (or in his case, half-breed) were suspicious, if not fearful, of the angels.

"I'm not hiding, Dean, just observing."

"Observing me? To whom do I owe this gracious honor of being studied like lab specimen?" Dean said lightly, laced with sarcasm.

"Not like a lab specimen, per se. I was just seeing how you would react prior to meeting me face-to-face."

"So you were hiding."

"I guess you could call it that."

"So what's your name, anyway?"

"It's Castiel."

"What a boring name." Dean said with a huff, moving within 4 feet of him now.

"It's the only name I have." he said, matter-of-factly.

"Step into the light, will ya, Cas? All this squinting is giving me a headache."

"Alright." he stepped closer, only part of Dean's face showing in the low lighting.

Something seemed extremely familiar about that face, and that voice, but he just couldn't place it. Castiel took the candelabra from his hand, set it back on the table and sat in one of the chairs at the table.

"You can join me if you want. Otherwise, it'll be an extremely boring day."

Dean, realizing this wouldn't be the worst advice he's ever taken, sits across from the angel and takes off his jacket, making sure his wing remained hidden, even though the room was practically pitch black.

"Talk to me, Dean. Your brother, Sam, he served me as loyal as anyone but he didn't understand that I don't need a servant, but a friend. I'm hoping that you can be my friend, Dean. I'm hoping that we could become friends. We could talk all day until you leave and you'd still be paid a generous sum. Would you do that for me Dean? Could you attempt to be my friend?"

"Sammy didn't want to be your friend? Why?" Dean bit his tongue, realizing for that one second, he sympathized with this angel creep.

"I'm an angel and he's labeled as my servant, even in my position I am not really one able to make friends normally."

"Now why is that?"

"I'm... not a normal angel."

"Define 'not normal'."

"As you are aware, I have 3 brothers. Michael, Lucifer, and Gabriel, but they are not my only siblings. I also have a brother named Balthazar who, like me, is shunned from the branch families because we are half-siblings to them. We have no power in society, no wealth, and no functioning ability in the outside world. Balthazar is given permission to leave since he is of age and is attempting to pull some strings to be able to 'function' in society. I, however, cannot leave my room, go outside, or open any windows per chance that anyone should see me."

"That's not right."

"But there's a reason why no one should see me, Dean."

"What's the reason?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you."

"Does it have something to do with why you're hiding your wings?"

Suddenly, a look of bewilderment crossed Castiel's face, "No one outside of the angel community should know that!"

Realizing his mistake, his covered his anxiety with an air of suspicion, "My brother is Adam Milligan, he showed me some stuff before he left."

"He's your half-brother, correct?"

"Yeah, taken under Michael's wing in probably more than one sick sense of the word."

Castiel scrunched his face in confusion, "Is that a euphemism?"

"If you mean innuendo, most likely."

"Not all innuendos are euphemisms, you know."

"Thanks for the vocabulary lesson." he grumbled, looking drearily at the closed curtains.

"Would you like another one?" Castiel asked with a small smile, glad they were getting along.

"No thanks. So, want me to help clean the room or something?"

"It's fine, I clean it myself. I usually would mess it up so Sam would not complain about having nothing to do."

"Yeah, he tends to do that."

"Wanna play a game? This is not an innuendo, by the way."

"Sure. I don't know many games, though."

"It's alright. I'll teach you." he stood, reaching into his closet and getting a glass chessboard and setting it up.

"This looks complicated."

"I'll teach you."

"Alright, Cas, but if I lose, it's on you."

"You called me Cas again."

"Do you not like it?"

"It's fine. I like it. Can I call you Dean?"

"You already have."

"But now I have your permission."

"You're one weird angel." Dean said with a laugh, watching Cas move his first pawn.

"That's what they keep telling me." he muttered under his breath.

At that moment, Dean realized that whether he meant to or not, Cas managed to change the subject away from his wings. It made Dean wonder. What was so special about Cas's wings?

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