Chapter 10: Forgotten Memory

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Crowley scoffed between an obnoxious group of laughs, "No reason at all. I just don't like things being hidden from me."

"You're probably no fun at hide and seek, then."

Crowley seemed dulled by the comment, "I'm actually extremely fun at the game. I always win."

"Yeah, he searches until they give up, or he threatens their lives." Kevin muttered, rubbing his thumb across the gold button on his cuff.

"That doesn't sound fun at all, what's hide and seek?" Castiel asks, Kevin and Crowley seem surprised, but it only makes Dean's frown deepen.

"It's where you hide somewhere so the person and find you and if you're found you lose." Dean interjects.

Castiel stares at the table, silently, his eyes losing focus on the world around him as a memory trickled into the forefront of his thoughts.

6-year-old Castiel remembered counting, slowly, with his brother Gabriel (who he heard shouting the countdown from 100 all the way upstairs) and he remembered hiding in the top of a closet, pressing himself against the wall. Giggling silently, he heard his brother yell something along the lines of 'You better have found good hiding spots this time you wimps!'

Rolling his eyes, Castiel waited for his brothers to find him. He heard a string of curses from Lucifer who had, yet again, chose the same spot he always did. The idea always made Castiel laugh because he knew that Lucifer didn't want to be found, but deep down he loved to search more than hiding. Castiel was the one who was best at hiding, being so small and agile gave him advantage over his older brothers.

'Castiel, come now, boy. We just want to find you... you wouldn't want to make me cry, would you, Cassie, dear?' Lucifer said with a laugh, slinking his way up the stairs.

Scoffing inwardly, Castiel scolded his brothers for announcing where they were. He could easily run and find a new spot if they did that, announcing their position everywhere they went. Suddenly, everything went dead silent and Castiel chewed his lip in anticipation. His brothers never just left him alone to hide, they would voice their surrender and he would win. Another voice joined the mix.

'Wow, I guess there is a first time for everything. You caught me boys, great job.' Balthazar muttered, unenthusiastic, always despising the game but playing it every time Castiel asked him to.

Castiel took a small breath of relief at the breaking of silence, no longer worried that something terrible had happened. A disgruntled yell from a nearby room sent the boys skittering downstairs, falling over themselves to run from the sound. Balthazar ran at the front of the group, Raphael tripped clumsily behind, Lucifer and Gabriel were trying to trip each other to run, Castiel could hear it, practically see it from the darkness of the closet.

Footsteps sounded softly then stopped in front of the door. Castiel held his breath as he watched the knob turn slowly, opening before a hand grabbed onto his ankle. Yanking him down, Castiel hit the back of his head on the shelf, crying quietly in pain as Michael shushed him. Picking him up by his ankle, Castiel hung upside down as his eldest brother, of age 19, drug him down the stairs; Castiel's head hit every step and he eventually blacked out.

No one talked about when Michael found Castiel, or all those times Michael gave him bruises. Sometimes, Castiel wondered if his brother had meant it out of meanness, or if it really was- as Michael had always told him- a way to toughen him up for the harsh world they lived in. Something had changed in Michael once he took one of the cities as his own and became the main leader of The Three Cities, he became distant and no longer raised a hand to Castiel or Balthazar. He stayed clear of them, for which one brother was grateful, and for which the other mourned. Castiel loved his half-brothers and brother, despite their faults; the only one who never accepted the two Novak boys was Michael. Castiel could still hear Michael yelling at him, telling him to follow his orders, and how once Castiel would agree immediately between sobs.

'Of course, Michael, I'll mind. I promise! I promise!' the last kick smarting his cheek, as Michael walked away he whispered, 'Happy 13th birthday.'

Hearing Dean clear his throat, Castiel looked up and felt the awkward silence as Dean watched Kevin stand, tugging Crowley up with him.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Dean, Castiel; I think it's time Crowley and I head to our posts before the guests arrive." Kevin was formal, polite, removing his hat before bowing and taking his leave, replacing the cap on his head.

Standing, Crowley smoothed out the front of his black uniform jacket, fastening the buttons with the SP logo on it. Dean took the uniform to consideration the first time. The uniform was plain, simple, and had multiple high-dome buttons down the front and on the cuffs, almost a carbon copy of World War 1 soldiers' unifroms. Crowley adjusted his cap, smoothed out his trousers, stood straight, gave a familiar smile.

"Wait, guests?" Dean asks as Crowley pushes in his chair, his smile fading.

"The leaders of the neighboring cities have come to visit. They are going to have an important meeting with Michael today."

Dean opened his mouth to ask why but Castiel's lips were scrunched together and his eyes sad, noticing this Dean kept the thought to himself.

"Nevermind. Just get out of here before the head honcho gets suspicious."

"Oi, mon capitaine." Crowley saluted with a sarcastic air, pushing Kevin out of the door, following close behind.

Dean, noting the faraway look in Castiel's eyes, he reached out his hand, "Cas..?"

Once the hand had touched his forehead, Castiel immediately looked at Dean, "Yes?"

"I should stay with you today. I don't think I should work with my brother."


"Dammit, Cas, I'm worried about you and I'm not leaving you here by yourself!"

Castiel managed a smile before nodding, "Alright... I'll go to sleep, then, they woke me up."

Following Cas to his bed, he watched him climb in gingerly and pulling the covers under his arm, "Good morning, Dean." he muttered around a yawn.

"...'morning, Cas." Dean smiled, watching Castiel slowly fall asleep.

Castiel prayed his nightmares wouldn't return for the time being, because- more than anything- he didn't want Dean to see him cry.

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