Chapter 45- A Date with an Alchemist

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Shoutout to @ANGELS2010L0VESU for reminding me that today is Forget-Me-Nots one year anniversary!!
Tangled the Series will always hold a very special place in my heart since discovering it back in 2020. I love this show so so much, and I'm so happy that I have so many incredible readers who loved the show enough to read my silly lil fanfic about my fav alchemy boy. I've loved writing this beautiful story up to this point, and I can't wait to continue it!
Thank you all for you support this past year, whether you've been here since the beginning or you just started reading a week ago; you all mean the world to me.

Okay, onto the show!!

"Think (Yn), think..." I nervously mutter, pacing around my room. "This needs to be perfect. This is only your first date with Varian...or your first date ever for that matter..." I look at the clothes thrown across my room; a tornado of dresses, blouses, shoes, and hats covering every inch of everything. I notice a nightgown has fallen on top of Dandelion, and I quickly rush to her aid. As I pull the nightgown off of her furry red body, I sheepishly chuckle. "Sorry about that girl."

Dandelion waves her paw, telling me that all is forgiven. I smile and pat her head, right as I hear a knock on the door.

"(Yn)? Are you almost ready to go-" Rapunzel pokes her head in and her face falls when she sees the mess I've made. "Whoa...what happened in here?"

I quickly stand up. "I was just looking over a few options..."

"'A few?'" My sister chuckles. "It looks like a hurricane blew through here." She says, already beginning to pick up some of the articles of clothing that decorated the floor.

I pick up a cherry-blossom pink skirt and hold it up against myself as I gaze at my reflection. "Sorry, I just-I wanted to look my best, y'know? Today is important." I point out, tossing the skirt back on the floor.

"Why don't you just wear your usual outfit?"

"I just don't want to be underdressed. This needs to be perfect."

Rapunzel gently smiles and pauses her cleaning. She sits down on my (fc) bedspread and pats the spot next to her. I sit beside my sister and look at her. "(Yn), Varian isn't expecting perfection, he's only expecting you. The relationship you guys have had never been defined by perfection, so it doesn't have to be now." She places a hand on my shoulder. "No matter what you wear, Varian will still love you all the same."

I smile at the blonde. "Thanks, Raps." I hop to my feet and tie my hair up using Varian's red bandana. "I'm ready," I tell Rapunzel.

As if on cue, there's another knock on my bedroom door. I approach the door and open it to reveal Ethel, one of the palace maids. "Varian of Old Corona is here, your highness." She says with a curtsy.

I nod. "Thank you. I'll be down in a moment."

Rapunzel gives me a grin once the door closes. "Well then, you'd better go greet your date."


As I walk down the grand staircase that leads to the main entrance, I see Varian waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. His eyes light up when he sees me, and butterflies fill my stomach. I smile at him. "Hey, Varian!"

"H-Hey, (Yn)!" He blushes a bit. "So, what did you want to do?"

"I thought we could stop by Attila's bakery first," I suggest. "Then I have a surprise for you." I wink at the alchemist.

Varian's blue eyes sparkle. "What is it!?"

I giggle and take his hand, already pulling him to the door. "If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise, Var!"

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