Tim Oneshot Scrap

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Since Tim was a child, he stayed in this hospital. This mental facility. Mom dropped him off and never came back. Though she did visit sometimes the first few weeks he was there. But other than that, he's been alone for as long as he could remember. Having never been given the chance to experience what childhood was like. Couldn't relate to the same nostalgic memories as other kids his age would.At first Tim didn't understand why he was here. He was only six, nearly seven since his birthday was a few months away. They forced multiple different medications down his throat when he'd refuse to take them; countless times.

But admittedly, they did help him a bit once the doctors figured out which ones worked. Tim spent a lot of his time sitting alone in his desolite white room whenever he didn't have to go to his psychiatrist or in the main room. The room had a vent that's bolted into the wall on the far corner.

Sometimes Tim heard voices coming from it but never paid no mind. He suspected it was connected in the other room beside his, which another patient occupied. One evening, a voice louder than most times echoed its way into his room through the vent. He thought nothing about it as usual until he realized that the person on the other side was trying to speak through it with distant "hello's". He turned his head upright on the pillow to stare at it, listening to see if the voice would come through again.


The voice echoed over shortly after. Tim scrunched his brows in thought, just barely remembering the patient's name.... (Y/N)! That's right. They've never talked to one another but in group sessions, (Y/N) always sat next to him. With that recollection, Tim noticed it was peculiar that they were trying to communicate with him through the vent. 'Why even bother?', Tim thought.

"Hey! Can you even hear me...", The last sentence barely audible as they question themself.

Tim swung the blanket off him before dragging himself from the bed. He scuttled over to where the vent remained high above him. Tim turned to briefly scan his barren room for something to step on; deciding the chair from his desk was good enough. Dragging it across the cold tile floor, Tim places it flush against the wall and stands on it, now leveling with the vent. "Hi", Tim blandly replies.

For a moment, Tim suspected (Y/N) had given up given the silence. But not too long after his response, he heard an excited gasp.

"Hi! your names...Timothy, right?"

Tim scoffs lightly at his full name, finding it comical being called by it.

"Just call me Tim. What are you doing?", He genuinely wanted to know. Especially because they don't ever talk.

"I felt lonely", (Y/N)'s tone shifted slightly.

'Makes the two of us'

"..And I wanted to get to know my neighbor a little better"

Tim could sense the smile in their voice, the response giving him a ghost of a grin. Though the physical reaction threw him off a bit since it wasn't often that Tim smiled. He planned on giving a brief response then going back to bed, but something kept him there. This was new in a place so predictable and oppressive. Tim knew no one and didn't really care to try. Maybe this time he could give it a shot. Maybe make a new friend, as silly as it sounds. (Y/N) seemed interesting anyways, so why not see where this takes him?

"What are you doing up late?", Tim began fiddling with his fingers, unsure what to do as he continued on with the conversation.

"Couldn't sleep. Sorry if I woke you up though! I just thought I'd give it a shot since I wasn't sure if this would work anyways"

His lips curved to form a goofy grin as he stared down at his feet listening. He couldn't help but find them cute. The thought itself made Tim grip at his face as he felt it grow hot with embarrassment. Why would he think such a thing? Tim doesn't even know them that well. And he has no idea what they're like, considering they're also in a mental institution. But really, who is he to judge? Something about them though brought out foreign thoughts and actions he hasn't felt in a long time. Things no one Tim has even interacted with in this damn shit hole were able to bring out. It only made him more interested in getting to know them more.

"Nah, you didn't wake me. Couldn't sleep either. It's been awhile since I've had a genuine conversation with someone", Tim looked back up to the vent, subconsciously wishing he could be gazing at their face.

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