An Amazing Arataki Party ft. some Thoma X Reader

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Synopsis: Thoma has been asked to cater for an Itto party and you feel obliged to come and make sure he's alright. Just as you feared, the party is overcrowded and chaotic, and you can't seem to find your boyfriend anywhere, or cope with these crazy party antics.

Theme(s): Humor, Fluff, Comfort

Relationship: Dating

Trigger Warnings: Drunken antics, vomiting, sexual mentions, sensory overload

Word Count: 3371

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An Amazing Arataki Party ft. some Thoma X Reader




You shut your eyes even tighter and slammed a pillow over your face. At this point, you were half tempted to try and knock yourself out with it.

You were in hell.

Well you weren't really. Just trapped in this place overcrowded with screaming people doing whatever they wanted, all run by this roaring red horned beast of a man.

It wasn't your idea to attend this party. Thoma had admitted he wasn't all that pushed either. But Itto had needed a caterer. And he had kind of adopted Thoma as his bro. Thoma had felt kind of obliged to come to the party early and prepare some meals.

"BEAN FREE!" Itto had hammered into him.

Thoma had insisted,

"You don't have to come."

"I know you're not mad on big parties."

"I'll be absolutely fine."

"Just stay for as long as you want."

"Please don't worry about me."

His efforts to console you had had the opposite effect. So here you were at The Almighty Arataki Anniversary Party.

It was everything you thought it would be and worse.

Not that you disliked Itto. He was actually a sweetheart once you could look past the super loud macho mighty oni act. But it was hard to do that when a lot of the time, he was so in your face.

You were reminded of those feelings towards him when you had first entered the house. You'd barely had time to process the roar of the crowd, the thumping music or the putrid whiff of alcohol smacking you in the face before Itto had practically ambushed you.

"Ha-HA! Y/N! The GAL has arrived!"

He had thrown his arms around you in the most suffocating squeeze of a hug you had ever received. One that cut off all your yelps (like they would have been heard anyway). Your slaps at him to let you go were like feathers to him. You thanked the Archons once he (eventually) put you down that he hadn't crushed your ribs or snapped your spine.

"Where's Thoma?" You'd spluttered it out, grabbing onto your stomach.


"Where's my boyfriend?"

"Ahh, Thoma! My man! YOUR man! Where is he?" Itto chuckled, glancing around him. You couldn't see anything through the mob of people so you doubted Itto could see either, even with his height. "He . . . should be around here somewhere, heh."

The outside of your stomach was already aching. The insides of your stomach dropped.

"Itto, where is he?"

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