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why did he suddenly feel his face come in contact with warmth?

what snapped him out of his thoughts so suddenly?

he focused his vision back into reality and came in contact with a strong, but comforting scent of vanilla and fruit.

he had barley realized two arms held him up gently, shaking as hongjoongs body went limp.

hongjoong quickly composed himself and allowed himself to wrap his arms around the other too.

seonghwa was quiet, but held him tightly as to let him know that he was there.

hongjoongs mind quickly traveled back to the last time he had a genuine hug like this.

it was from a guy he thought he loved.

a past lover that left hongjoong with only mistake and regrets.

hongjoong didn't realize he was crying until he felt wetness pool underneath him.

seonghwa himself was tearing up as well. he felt as if he has known hongjoong for a lifetime.

seonghwa was always a people pleaser, he always wanted to make people happy. coming from a family who never gave him happiness he didn't want people go through any pain like how he did growing up.

"seonghwa," hongjoong croaked out.

"im here," seonghwa whispered, running his hands through hongjoongs locks.

he wondered how his hair was so soft despite being bleached and dyed a bright red.

after a few moments the tears stopped. hongjoong collected himself enough to speak up.

he gently pulled away from seonghwa and saw that he was looking at him with a empathetic look.

"sorry for crying on you like that," hongjoong said trying to brighten up the gloomy atmosphere.

"don't worry about it," seonghwa grinned. "it's just one more thing to add to my list of things hongjoong has to pay me for," seonghwa teased.

"you did not have to go there," hongjoong said poking the others shoulder.

the two boys laughed a bit before returning back to silence. hongjoong was trying to figure out the right words to say before seonghwa spoke up, interrupting his thoughts.

"i never had a comfortable place to stay in growing up, after I saw you, you reminded me of me back then. i came to this town to get away and i thought I was an outcast in this small place. i came looking entirely different. but i opened my own shop and finally felt loved. i was finally feeling welcomed. i want you to know that you are surrounded by good people. i can tell you are suffering inside. the look in your eyes is the same look i had back then," seonghwa said with a sad smile on his face. hongjoong was shocked by how well seonghwa was able to read him.

perhaps he was a psychology major at one point. that was something he had to ask him another time though.

hongjoong sighed and mentally prepared himself to open up, something he hadn't done with someone in a long time.

don't get him wrong he had yeonjun and san, but it was something they all faced together, there was no way of spilling out the feelings he shared with others to them. he didn't want to be selfish and prioritize his own feelings over his friends feelings.

"growing up my mom was an alcoholic, my dad was part of a biker gang in the outskirts of seoul. he tried to raise me but eventually sort of let me do my own thing. he still protected me and so did his gang. because of that i had a semi bad reputation. people thought i was drug dealing, stuff like that," hongjoong said with a pause.

"i had an ex," hongjoong said, his voice becoming quiet. "san and yeonjun also has their own partners who coincidentally," he said air quoting, "were friends with my ex," seonghwa nodded, tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear. processing the information being presented to him.

"one day my dad was arrested because he was framed by some rival gang leader. my ex suddenly started to become cold with me. i tried doing side hustles to bail out my dad but i was too broke at the time, i was barley a high school student. word got around that my dad covered for me so i wouldn't get arrested," hongjoong said sighing in defeat. "turns out that word was spread by him," hongjoong said getting up and reaching for a glass of water.

his voice was becoming hoarse from talking too much.

seonghwas eyes widened, "why would he do something like that," he frowned making hongjoong laugh at him.

"cute," hongjoong mumbled to himself before continuing, "i spent 3 years in that shit show of a town, raising money with yeonjun and san, who were sons of some of my dads buddies. honestly if it wasn't for them I don't think I would be here right now," hongjoong said smiling at the thought of his friends.

"they seem like good people," seonghwa said with a toothy smile.

"thank you for trusting me and opening up to me hongjoong. i know what it's like having a loved one completely ditch you. i hope you never have to go through that pain again. i will make sure you have the best time here," seonghwa said raising his fists up in an attempt to look threatening.

hongjoong looked at him in disbelief before bursting out into laughter, making seonghwa laugh with him.

"with our contrasting appearances doll?" hongjoong said in between laughs. quickly cursing himself at the use of the nickname, knowing seonghwa probably had a thing going on with soobin.

seonghwa flushed red, and quickly stammered out a response, "yeah I can be threatening too."

hongjoong scoffed, "whatever you say pink head," seonghwas jaw dropped and threw a pillow at hongjoong.

hongjoong dramatically fell over against the couch and held onto his chest groaning out in fake pain.

"see!" seonghwa said proudly making hongjoong laugh.

the two boys stayed in silence for a bit before seonghwa received a message on his phone.

"oh shoot i forgot I need to open tomorrow! ill see you later hongjoong. this was really nice by the way," seonghwa said hurriedly making his way to the door, waving fast at hongjoong before walking out the door.

"bye hwa," hongjoong whispered out.

both boys fell asleep that night with lightness in their chests, but as well as confusion.

the tension was obviously there. who was going to be the first to break?

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