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work inspired by "not too late" written by Kim Hongjoong

a couple weeks had passed and hongjoongs tattoo shop opening was successful. who knew a bunch of people in a small town wanted to get tattoos so badly?

he became closer with mingi and taehyun as well. turns out they had to drive out of town just to get their piercings and tattoos. eventually though they got tired of that and mingi ended up getting his own piercing supplies. hence the giant amount of piercings all over himself.

seonghwa and hongjoong grew closer too, occasionally spending time at each other's apartments since sometimes their shifts ended at the same time.

it was a week before seonghwas birthday and he had been feeling slightly gloomy about it.

he remembered how growing up as a kid he used to always look forward to birthday parties. now he had to spend them alone away from his family.

it took a toll on him every year after he left his parents house.

'home' was somewhere he didn't feel was a home at all. but at times those memories of innocent seonghwa who didn't know better replayed in his mind. only wishing to go back to simpler times.

seonghwa knew he matured as a person and grew mentally once he knew he didn't feel the need to depend on his parents. he just wishes he had the support of his parents from being able to follow his dreams.

seonghwa had closed for the day making sure to lock the door on his way out.

he put on his headphones and played music on his walk back home.

seonghwa was caught off guard when a familiar tune started to play.

'of course it plays at this time' he thought to himself.

he soon found himself tearing up at the song, tears blurring his vision. his body was on autopilot now. his thoughts clouded his mind hard enough where he didn't feel anything or was aware of anything surrounding him. his surroundings started to turn black and his breaths became haggard.

he hadn't let himself get brought down like this in such a long time.

tears were words the heart couldn't express.

his emotions flowed out like water overflowing out of a glass. water covered that surrounding area that became seonghwas ground.

he didn't realize someone was pulling him back into warmth.

"hey seonghwa hey, focus on me," a voice spoke out breaking him out of his thoughts.

seonghwa hastily looked around at his surroundings and soon processed the familiarity of the place.

he was in hongjoongs apartment, kneeling on the floor with hongjoong on the ground right in front of him.

"breathe with me hwa," hongjoong said, taking seonghwas hands and placing them on his stomach.

"feel your stomach rise up with each inhale, try not to breathe with your chest it'll only make you panic more," hongjoong said gently, wiping the incoming tears out of seonghwas face.

seonghwa nodded and began to calm down his breathing. his sobs soon stopped and his tears stopped flowing down.

"let's get up hwa," hongjoong said pulling up seonghwa carefully as if he was made up of glass.

hongjoong led him to the couch and brought him a blanket.

"warm up you're freezing," hongjoong said laying the blanket on top of him.

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