Chapter 3

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"Our food will be here in five minutes." Lee said and sat down on the couch.

"Okay." I replied shyly, and I sat down on the couch but on the other end.

"How long have you been in that orphanage?" Lee asked and without Katelyn I didn't really know what to say.

"Eleven years, I'm now twelve years old." I said and shyly tried to do some things with my hands.

"What was your name again? I have a list of the girls at the orphanage I'm going to. Something with 'em', right?" Lee asked and I nodded.

"Emilia." I said and I could feel he was looking at me.

"That's sad, because that name isn't on my list. I'd love to adopt you, you seem like a wonderful daughter. I don't understand that nobody wanted you for eleven years." Lee said and I just wanted to tell the truth but I promised Katelyn I wouldn't.

"Well, compared to all the other girls in the orphanage I'm not quite wonderful. Emily was the only person that didn't bully or ignore me." I sighed and he nodded understanding.

"I'm sad to hear that, I get that you wanted to run away." Lee said but after that was some knocking on our door and Lee opened it.

A lady walked in, and she put two plates on the table in the room.

"Thank you." Lee said and handed the woman some money.

The woman then walked out, and Lee held out a chair for me to sit on.

"Thanks." I replied and he sat down in front of me.

"No problem, but please tell me more about the orphanage you live in. I'd love to hear about it." he said and picked up his chopsticks.

"Well, it sucks there. And because I'm the smallest I always get stuff and clothes of the other girls so that sucks too. And I just hate it there." I said and tried to eat with chopsticks but it failed so bad.

"Tomorrow we'll go get you some new stuff all for yourself!" Lee said happily and I just gasped.

"What?! No, I can't accept that!" I exclaimed but he just laughed a bit.

"Well I just want to make sure your life will get just a little bit better." he said and looked at me trying to eat with chopsticks.

"I really don't get how you do this, it's hard!" I exclaimed and he laughed at me.

"Just hold it like this, and then only move this finger." he said and I just followed his steps.

"I think I got it." I said and carefully picked some sushi up and quickly put it in my mouth.

"But was Emily your sister? Or was is coincidence that your names matched?" he asked and I just looked up at him.

"It's coincidence." I tried to say but it didn't quite work because my mouth was stuffed with sushi.

"Maybe you should chew and swallow your food before talking." Lee said and I quickly swallowed everything.

"Sorry, but in the orphanage it was just eat and hope there's something left for you." I replied and wiped my mouth with my sleeve.

"It doesn't matter, but can you tell how adopting works. I'm kinda nervous for friday." he said and I laughed a bit.

"Don't compliment the girl, that's called sliming. I personally hate that! And just try to get into a conversation." I said and finished my sushi.

"I thought giving compliments would work really well." Lee said and placed his plate in a dishwasher.

"No, believe me. It may work with the BGB's, but not with girls like me." I said and also placed my plate in the dishwasher.

"What are BGB's?" he asked confused and sat down on his couch.

"Bubble gum blowers, and they're called Bella, Gabby and Brittney." I said and also sat down on the couch.

"Are those like the popular girls?" he asked as he turned on the tv.

"Yeah, and I share a room with all three of them." I sighed and he chuckled a bit.

"It's not funny! They're real...bitches." I said and I felt quite guilty for using a word like that.

"Hey, if you want to you could take a bath or shower here. I'm just guessing you don't do that alot in the orphanage." Lee said and he was right, we got to shower five minutes a week. Mainly because it was pretty expensive.

"Okay, thanks. But where is your bathroom?" I asked and he stood up and opened one of the doors and revealed a huge bathroom.

"You can use any stuff you want, towels are underneath the sink. Just yell if you need anything." he said and closed the door behind him.

I decided to take a bath, and I put the water on.

I put some stuff in it what made alot of bubbles, and it smelled so good!

I quickly took off all my clothes, folded them, and put them on a pile in a corner.

I then carefully sat down in the bath, and I put my head on the edge.

I loved it so much, it felt soft and like I was in heaven.

I then dunked my head under water, and I put some shampoo in my blonde hair.

I washed that out by just going under water again, and I tried to hold my breath for a long time but I wasn't very good at it.

I then stepped out of the bath, and I wrapped a towel around me and one for my hair.

I quickly dried everything, and put my clothes on again.

I couldn't really brush my hair, it was filled with alot of knots.

I just grabbed the hairbrush, and I walked out of the bathroom.

"Lee, can you help me brush my hair? I can't get all the knots out." I said and sat down on the couch.

"Of course, can I have the brush then?" he asked and I immediately gave it to him.

He then started brushing my hair, but being really carefull and trying not to hurt me.

"I think I'm done, if you have a hair-tie I could also braid it if you want to." he said and I remembered having a stolen hair-tie from Gabby in my pocket and I handed it to him.

After just two minutes he had finished the braid, and he carefully placed it over my shoulder.

"Thanks Lee." I replied shyly followed by a yawn.

"You can change into one of my shirts so you don't have to sleep in those clothes." Lee said and he walked towards his suitcase.

"Yeah, that would be nice." I said and he gave me his shirt and said I could get changed in the bathroom.

I quickly got changed in the bathroom, and I then walked back to Lee.

"You can sleep on my bed, and you look quite tired so I'd suggest that you go to sleep." Lee said and he laid down on the couch.

"Okay, thank you." I said and got into his bed.

"Can I turn off the lights?" he asked and I quickly nodded before he turned off all the lights.

"Goodnight Emilia." Lee said and I have never had someone say that to me so I couldn't stop smiling and blushing anymore even though he didn't say my name, he did meant to say it to me.

"Goodnight Lee." I then replied and I went to sleep.

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