Chapter 20: In another universe- Ronan

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"Dawn?! Come on, you need to learn it!" Ronan yelled, pushing the knives into my hands.

"I don't want to be an assasin! I don't want to murder innocent people, it's just not what I want." I said, throwing the knives on the ground again.

"No daughter of mine will be a princess, she will be a warrior." he groaned, I just sat down on the ground and angrily crossed my arms.


"Dawn, get up."


"Get up."


"Get up, now."


A maid then walked into the room and cleared her throath to get our attention.

"Ronan, I have come to inform you that we have been attacked from the east by un unidentified ship do you want to attack them." the maid said, I looked at Ronan in worry.

"Try to communicate with that ship, then I'll handle it." Ronan replied, I just sighed.

"Dawn, go to your room, we don't know who these people are. I'll go and visit you when it's all over." he said, I crossed my arms angrily.

"I can take care of myself, really. I don't need to hide out in my room." I replied. He grabbed my arm harshly and dragged me to my room.

"Now you stay here until I come and fetch you for dinner, alright?" he said, I just groaned dissagreeing.

He then locked the door and I heard him walk away. Now I am left alone.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed a box from my childhood. There are no pictures or anything, mostly just drawings that I made and toys I played with.

I met Ronan at the age of four, because my mom past away and Ronan is my dad so he had to take care of me. My mom was a one night stand but yeah... I'm still Ronan's daughter.

There was one thing on top of all the drawings, which was my favourite birthday present of all time. It was a small silver tiara, that matches his blue skin colour.

I am a normal human, well, I look like a normal human. Ronan is blue, like a bit of a darker shade of blue. But he always wears black war paint and his stupid helmet thingy.

I placed the tiara on my head, and looked into my small mirror. It still fits, that's so cool!

I then suddenly heard a bit of beeping that kept going faster and faster.


(Ronan P.O.V.)

"Sir, they have reached the royal chambers." a maid said, I groaned.

"Go check on Dawn, get her here." I demanded, four of my soldiers immediately ran off.

"Nebula, go over to one of those technical guys and ask them if any doors have been opened or closed." I demanded, leaning onto my fist.

They are near her, her door is locked but they managed to get in here so they must also be able to open that door. If they get her I'm doomed.

"Sir, sir, sir, there were major explosions at the royal chambers. We cannot see anything from the cameras or the doorlocks." Nebula said, my eyes widened.

"Follow me, we're going there." I said, standing up.

"Ronan the accuser?!"

The screen in front of me flickered, I squinted my eyes.

"Make them use this screen for communication." I yelled, the screen immediately went clear.

I saw three human looking men and I could hear a faint voice in the background.

"Sir, your daughter is gone." one of my soldiers said, I looked back at the screen to see my daughter.

She had her tiara on. I got it for her when she turned five, it was her first birthday with me so I wanted to impress her. I want her to wear it at all times but she thinks that's a bit weird.

But now she wasn't here, she was with some thieves, crying for help.

"Dawn, don't cry now, don't give them what they want." I said, she almost fell down crying but one of the men pulled her up.

"Ronan, we can return her with just a simple favor. You will have to give your only child to me in marriage." he said. The heat in me boiled up high.

"Never. I can give you something way better, I can give you my best warrior. Her hand is more valuable in marriage than Dawn's." I said, looking at my little girl on the screen.

"If you will drop your defense we can talk. Just the two of us and this princess." the man smiled as he rubbed Dawn her blonde hair. She was clearly very disgusted and scared.

"Drop our defense, and do it quick!?" I yelled, Nebula immediately ran off.

After ten minutes I was standing in my throne room with two other people, my daughter and the villain that was holding my daughter.

"I want a V.I.P. stay on this ship, and a shared room with your daughter." the man said, I shook my head.

"The stay here is fine, but my daughter will remain mine." I said, Dawn shortly smiled at me.

"What about a ball, in my honour. With her as my date, for the whole night." he then suggested, I shook my head.

"No, you can look at her without being murdered, what about that?" I then hissed, he bit on his fist.

"Uhm, neh. I think her hand in marriage is still a good idea." he then smiled, I sighed loudly.


"Look at her. She's gorgeous, the blue eyes, high cheekbones, small nose, petite body, nice forms, beautiful everything." he said, Dawn looked at me with begging eyes.

"What about we settle this like men, real men." I replied, he harshly pushed my little girl onto the ground.

I walked over to him with my hammer in my hand.


I smashed him down, and squished his skull.

Then I ran over to Dawn and pulled her off the ground.

"Dawn? Dawn?! Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" I asked, she nodded.

She then pointed to her ribs, I quickly picked her up and ran over to her room.

I there placed her onto her bed, and gently lifted her shirt to reveal a big blue bruise.

"Oh crap."

I carefully poked it and she winched in pain.

"I don't wanna be mean, but this wouldn't have happened if you trained with me."

"I hate you."

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