sleepy matt

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It's the middle of winter, and you're crawled up on the couch watching TV at the Sturniolo household. You and Nick are drinking hot chocolate as you binge watch Stranger Things 4.

"Yo y/n!" You hear a voice call from down the hall. You turn your head to see Chris walking towards you with his hand out to dab you up. "Wassup?" You reply dabbing him up. "Hey do you know where Matt is, I haven't seen him all day?" Chris asked you. "I honestly couldn't tell you, I've been with Nick for the past 2 hours." You reply. "He might be in his room." Said Nick chiming in. "Hmm, I'll go check on him." You say as Chris steals your hot chocolate,and you walk up the stairs.

You make it to Matt's room to find his door shut. "Hey Matt can I come in?" You say calmly behind the door. No response. You slowly creak open the door to reveal Matt in a deep sleep. "Aw Matt." You whisper under your breathe. You tip toe over to the other side of the bed, climbing in and wrapping your arms around him. "y/n?" Matt says in his morning voice. "Hii" You reply sweetly. Matt slowly turns around facing you with his eyes barely open. He wraps his arms around you, placing his head in the crook of your neck. "What are you doing here?" He asks speaking into your shoulder. "I was hanging out with Nick for a while, but I wanted to come check on you." You replied. You feel him begin to smile into your shoulder.

He slowly looks up at you, his deep blue eyes staring into yours. "You're so pretty." He says sweetly with a toothy grin spread across his face. You blush and bury your head into your chest. You feel his hand gently lift up your chin, placing a soft kiss on your lips. You both stare at each other adoringly as you start playing with his hair since you know he loves it.

"I love you so much." Matt says looking in your eyes. "I love you too." You reply as you place a kiss on his lips. He slowly deepens the kiss which forces you both to smile. You keep kissing him back, not even realising that someone had opened the door.

"OMG EWW TMI!!" Says Chris in a childish voice as he runs up and jumps on the bed which forces you and Matt to break the kiss. Chris Shuffles in between you and Matt, laying down. "That's too much fun kids." He says sarcistally while grabbing the remote off the bed turning on Matt's TV.

You guys sit and watch TV with Chris, but feel Matt's cute gaze on you.

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