i'll look after you

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requested by @ _sturnioluvs

Your boyfriend Matt and his brothers had been super busy at the moment with YouTube and their podcast, so you haven't been able to spend heaps of time with any of them.

After some planning, you and Matt were able to find a night where he wasn't busy, and he said he'd take you out to dinner, and then you could sleep over at his place. You were so excited, and you'd been counting down the days, until today came.

You woke up at around 11 in the morning, feeling groggy and gross. Your head was pounding, your nose was sniffly, and you could feel the phlegm in your throat. You thought that a nice hot shower would make you feel better, but after half an hour in the steamy hot water, no difference was made in your symptoms.

Once you hopped out of the shower, you changed into a pair of plaid pj pants, and Matt's purple Nike hoodie. You picked up your phone and saw that you had missed a call from Matt, and that he'd left you a voicemail . Curiously, you check it ...

Hey baby, sorry you might still be sleeping. Anyways, I'll pick you up at around 4. I love you, see ya.

"Fuck," you mumble, remembering the date you had planned.

You hear a knock at your bedroom door.
"Come in," you croak. Your mom slowly pries open the door.
"Jeez hun, you look awful," she says.
"Aw thanks," you mumble sarcastically.
"What are you going to tell Matt? Weren't you two supposed to go out tonight?" she asks.
"I'll be fine Mom, I'll just go take some medicine and have a quick nap," you explain.
"Okay then," she says, leaving your room.

Your Mom shuts the door, and you place your head on your pillow so you can give your eyes a rest.

Your plan of having a quick nap is interrupted, as you feel a hand rubbing your shoulder from behind you. You leave your eyes closed, as you slowly turn around. You gently open your eyes, and to your surprise, you see Matt.

"Hey babe," he whispers.
"Woah, what are you doing here? What time is it?" you ask in confusion, now sitting up.
"It's 4:15, your mom told me that you weren't feeling well and she didn't wanna wake you up earlier since you needed the rest," he explains.
"But our date," you say in a worried tone.
"Shh, don't worry about our date, we can just stay here," he says.
"Are you sure? I don't wanna get you sick," you say, scooting further away from him.
He reaches for your shoulder and pulls you back in closer.
"It's fine I wanna take care of you, plus if I get sick then I can spend more time with you," he smirks.
"Fine," you give in, smiling.

"Can I get you anything?" he asks.
"Uh yeah can you please pass me my water bottle from my desk?" you ask.
"Of course," he replies, handing you the bottle as you take a sip.
"Anything else?" he asks.
"Cuddles?" you reply cheekily.
"Well I can't say no to that," he chuckles, sliding under your bed sheets and cuddling up behind you.

"Do you want me to turn a movie on?" he asks.
"As long as it's not bench warmers, you've made me watch that the past 5 movie nights," you laugh.
"Fine you choose then, only because your sick," he smirks. Matt hands you the remote, and you flick through netflix until you land on grown ups.
"Bench warmers and grown ups are practically the same," he complains, still salty about you not wanting to watch bench warmers.
"No, any movie that has Adam Sandler in it is better," you croak.
"Whatever you say," he replies sarcastically, kissing your forehead.

Early on in the movie your eyes begin to get heavy.

"Get some sleep babe," Matt whispers. You don't reply which makes him think that you've fallen asleep.

Right before your eyes shut for the night, you get a quick glance of the tv, showing Matt sneakily changing the movie from grown ups to the bench warmers.

cheeky bastard.

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