Chapter 3 - The Painter with a Million Dollar House, Part 1

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Chapter 3 - The Painter with a Million Dollar House, Part 1

I go home to my flat with things all mine: no roommates; no borrowed items - all my shit.

I go on my computer to listen to good emo-tional music while journaling on my computer journal, writing my blog, and finally estimating the money I've gotten to see if it fits the scam-ish rent on this space. For fuck's sake, come on. God's sake. $23,800 a month? Really? At least I'm getting what I'm paying for. Actually wooden floors, clean walls, no rats, no shit stains, not that many inconveniences.

Then after I do and conclude my agenda, I go on my TV, and play Terraria until I fall asleep.

I wake up the next morning, I'm early. This time, I woke up without the help of an alarm. Especially on my phone.


I get prepared to go to work: I shower; eat bowls of berries for breakfast and nothing else aside a glass or two of water, and a shot of vodka with my Americano; I take a walk outside the apartment complex; dress up in my usual - formal - attire; kiss my cat goodbye - and yes I have cat, his name's Kuma - and leave for work with my essential utilities in my bag that's at hand.

I arrive right before on time. 5:07 AM.

As I'm ready to take orders, I get confronted with a woman in green hair, Harry Potter circular glasses, a weirdly entirely green attire - including the shoes - and her ponytail going through the hole of her cap that she's wearing, also green, if that describes her best. Well, dark green.

She looks like she hasn't slept since the medieval ages. Seriously. She has bags on her eyes as dark as the soft and silky fur on Kuma. Drink a valium, woman! Why are you not sleeping?

"Hey, how's it going?" she asked.

"Good." I replied. "How's it going?"

"Oh, fine. Definitely not tired." she excused.

"Yeah, right." I said. "What'll you have?"

"Approximately 10 coffees." she said.

Don't know what happened, but all of a sudden I just started having a coughing fit after hearing that.

"You ok, sir?" she asked.

"*coughs* Um... I'm fine." I replied. "Any particular variety?"

"2 espressos and 8 Americanos." she ordered.

Then I had another coughing fit.

"*coughs* Oh, I'm fine, thanks for asking. Nothing wrong with me." I said. "You going on a family camping trip?"

"No, all of this is just for myself." she replied.

Then I had another coughing fit.

"*coughs* I'm not sick, just a weird happening and happenstance." I said. "Um, ok. 2 espressos and 8 Americanos coming right up."

"Thanks, I'll be over by the tables to wait for them." she stated.

"Got it." I said as she sat over by the tableside. "Hey Rodrigo!"

"What?" Rodrigo asks.

"I got an order for 2 espressos and 8 Americanos for Table 9!" I said to Rodrigo.

"What?!" Rodrigo asks."Is this person trying to kill themself?!"

"We don't ask those kinds of questions here, Rodrigo." I said.

"'Ight! 2 espressos and 8 Americanos coming up!" said Rodrigo.

It took a while, but the order was ready.

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