Chapter 9 - King for a Day

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Chapter 9 - King for a Day

After that whole event had passed, there was talk amongst Luz and the others of me moving to their rather traditional yet modern neighborhood, and that I had to move there upon their asking me to.

The first time I was asked to move there, I protested: I had suggested that where I lived was convenient enough to where it was near enough to where they had lived, especially near enough to where I work, and far enough to spot enemies linked to the now-deceased Belos in order to notice them so that I can warn them beforehand that trouble's afoot.

But that was a front: a veneer. I had planned to move there as soon as when they suggested it at that time - I just didn't know how to go about it.

Now, plans have been made, and they are in motion at this current moment. In fact, they are actually almost complete.

I have officially retired from the Rat's Coffeehouse; I got my severance check from said establishment and it had enough money to where I could afford to buy a basic house where Hunter and Willow live, which I did; and I have moved out of the flat I was staying in.

Sure, I am gonna miss the coffee smell from work, and the shitty karaoke wrought by my Malaysian neighbors singing Frank Sinatra and Billie Holiday on acid, but that's not the end of my plan yet.

I'm planning - get this - to build my own coffeeshop. In my own house. That I bought with my own money. It doesn't get much more American than that, dudn't it?

In fact, as we speak, I'm currently already making arrangements to move in that house so close to Hunter and Willow's over there, by the playground and sidewalks. All that's left to complete the plan officially is to tell them. Haven't got that far, though.

After that, I would have officially moved to that neighborhood, as they asked me to.

I'm currently packing my shit, and Kuma, in my car.

As I try to stop overthinking it, the more I think that this might actually have more benefits than deficits. First of all, I won't have to kowtow to a boss; I am my own boss, and I make my own coffee, in my own coffeeshop, made out of a house I bought myself - not rented, bought - with my own money. It doesn't get much better than that, doesn't it? Really! Plus, I have more free time, since I'm planning to only open up shop at Sundays and Tuesdays exclusively, which leaves me more time to pamper and spoil rotten my cat, Kuma, as well as to write. I'm even considering writing fanfiction! Can you believe that?

Damn, I have more self-control over my own life than I realize, don't I?

In fact, I think I'm just about done packing up all my shit out of my now-unoccupied flat. I moved pretty much everything in my somehow capable car.

I'm driving to the neighborhood as we speak.

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