Chapter 13

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"---I was at home for almost a year searching for other colleges. That was my first experience staying with them apart from the summer vacation or breaks."

After pouring his heart into his five-month-old wife, Annika, Shivaay paused adjusting his breathing. He glanced at his surrounding to find a suitable place to sit and when he found a bench right below the huge tree, he hurried and relaxed there. He patted the area next to him, asking Annika to occupy beside him.

Accepting his request, Annika walked to him and settled down beside him. "I never knew you had this catastrophic love story. I was really surprised to see you so strong. You amaze me sometimes."

The gloominess in his eyes immediately faded away as Annika comforted him with true and appreciative words. "It's been a while, probably a decade ago. So I don't mind. I don't think I would have been here, settled life in both professional and personal aspects, without crossing those hurdles. And I'm sure whatever happens, it happens for the good."

"You are modest," Annika mumbled. "Knowing you as a professor and as a husband feels different."

"And why is that? I don't usually sulk, I believe in enjoying every minute of life."

"It's just," Annika struggled with forming words of whatever she speculated. "You are very much living with the students and when it comes to family you are pretty serious. Why is that?"

"Good observation," Shivaay noted with a faint smile threatening to spill.

"There are plenty of unknown reasons, for this. But I consider two of them important, firstly, ragging and bullying is something you start fearing and it bites the majority of one's life when you understand. And young minds desire somebody to guide them and mentor them. I'm sure I would have been in a better position if my professors were generous. Maybe they don't play meaningful characters in shaping minds but they do have minor essence which young minds grasp, as they copy from parents. Secondly, it's because of maa and baba, whatever I'm today. Since that incident, they have been trying their best to balance out us, though it's difficult. I'm happy at my place."

Annika had never seen such a humble and simple leading man, and she was quite attracted to how he behaved. Only if, she had reacted the same her life and the way it proceeded would have been better.

Probably she would have gladly accepted Shivaay the moment her wedding was fixed. His positive attitude towards life inspired her to look the same.

Gasping hold of his hand, Annika turned to face him. "Can I lean on you?" She asked.

Shivaay was bewildered, was she asking about the current physical position or in a metamorphic way, he wondered. Having no insights into this, he subtly smiled and patted his shoulder, joking about his strength. "I suppose my shoulders can keep up with my wife's weight."

Blushing at his statement, Annika curled her arm around his, and her other hand clutched his torso while her head rested on his shoulders. "You know," she began her mumbling "you are brave. Too brave. If I would have been in your place I wouldn't have endured all. Thank you for showing your courage and vigour, I know, this would direct me towards a better place."

"It's nothing," Shivaay confided, brushing the tender and lean fingers of Annika that were clutching his shirt without his knowledge. "Let's not talk about this, further."

Annika bounced her head against his shoulders and decided to remain quiet in silence.

"Abhay is the coordinator of the moot court." Shivaay started. "He wants you to screen for the upcoming national competition. So prepare well."

"Well, it isn't in the official group." Annika hesitated to speak further. "Wouldn't that be beneficial from your contacts?"

"I don't know." Shivaay pulled his brows together in a scowl. "This field is different from the others, here you are required of having social skills and knowledge. Without a doubt, this does seem like what you think but, a career would be difficult to determine if not taken advantage of situations like this. I didn't have this opportunity to thank, I want you to have good professional growth."

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