Chapter 21

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Gently shifting his weight Shivaay slowly maneuvered his body careful not to disturb the peaceful slumber of his wife Annika. The room was enveloped in a serene ambience with faint rays of the rising sun seeping through the sheer curtains casting a soft golden glow upon their bodies.

As he de-tangled Annika's limbs from his Shivaay couldn't help but admire the ethereal beauty that laid before him. Her raven-black hair cascaded over her shoulder partially obscuring her face emphasizing her delicate features. A smile played upon his lips as he watched her sleep marvelling at the tranquillity that graced her every expression.

With gentle tenderness, Shivaay leaned down brushing aside a stray strand of hair that fell across her angelic face. He was captivated by the way her smooth skin glowed under his touch, her eyelashes fluttered slightly as if in response to his affectionate gesture.

Placing a lingering yet tender kiss on Annika's hairline Shivaay breathed in her intoxicating scent, a blend of her favourite perfume mixed with the natural fragrance that was uniquely hers. The soft rise and fall of her chest against his created a harmonious rhythm a testament to their unbreakable bond much like the steady beat of their hearts.

Lost in the moment Shivaay's mind drifted to the countable memories they have created together in this six months of togetherness. The fierce battles they fought with each other, the whispered promises of love exchanged in the moonlit night while having ice creams and the laughter that echoed through their lives all flashed before his eyes.

Each memory was etched into his soul reminding him of the profound love he shared with Annika.

As Shivaay watched Annika sleep soundly he felt a surge of gratitude for the beautiful soul that has enriched his life. In this peaceful early morning hour, his heart was overflowing with love and adoration for his wife, appreciating the vulnerability and strength that coexist within her.

With a soft sigh, Shivaay gently brushed a gentle hand across Annika's cheek, his touch conveying his unspoken affection and unwavering devotion. As his hand lingered, an overwhelming sense of contentment enveloped him as if time itself stood still in this private moment between them.

In this ethereal morning, as the world was yet to be awakened outside their door, Shivaay remained in their cocoon of love cherishing the solace and serenity that only Annika's presence can bring. And as the first light of the day danced upon their shared life he silently promises to protect and cherish their love forever grateful for the blessing of having Annika as his wife.

Shivaay gently slid out of bed careful not to disturb his sleeping wife Annika. He tiptoed across the room his steps silent in the dimly lit bedroom. As he made his way into the kitchen he could smell the aroma of freshly brewed coffee lingering in the air.

As he prepared his coffee Shivaay's mind began to wander to the events of the previous day. There had been a heated argument between his wife and his father. Shivaay had expressed his desire to pursue a career as a legal practitioner wanting to establish himself as a successful lawyer, however without compromising on his comfort. This angered Shakti and immediately after the dinner, he walked out not waiting for his regular paan from his wife.

With his steaming cup of coffee in hand Shivaay stood in the kitchen lost in thought. He knew he had to find a way to approach his father and convince him that he could build a successful career in law without sacrificing anything important to him.

As he reflected on his memories Shivaay recalled instances where his father had always wanted the best for him.

He remembered his father's unwavering support in his education ensuring Shivaay received the schooling and opportunities to excel. Though they weren't the best, perhaps Shakti made sure to provide within his limits. His father had always encouraged him to be a better man emphasizing the importance of integrity, determination and compassion.

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