Chapter 20

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Annika's emotions were in a constant state of flux swirling around her mind like a whirlwind. On one hand, she was conflicted about her feelings towards her husband Shivaay. At first, their marriage felt forced and artificially arranged by her parents without any consideration for her desires. She resented the fact that she had no say in choosing her life partner.

However, as time went on and Annika got to know Shivaay better she began to see glimpses of the person he truly was. She discovered that beneath his reserved and stoic exterior, there was a man with a kind heart and a gentle nature. The more she understood him the more she began to like him and eventually these feelings progressed to something deeper - love.

But Annika's emotions were far from straightforward. Even as she found herself falling for her husband she couldn't help but cling onto the memories of her ex-boyfriend the one who was her choice who she had shared an intense connection with. with the one she had future planned. The thought of letting go of that love and accepting Shivaay fully was terrifying for her. It was as if she was standing at the edge of a precipice unsure of whether to leap into the unknown.

To add to her emotional turmoil, Shivaay in a few days would move to another city, miles away from her and her heart. The thought itself was disturbing. His moving there made nonsense. Delhi comparatively gave more legal practitioners than any other city along with more opportunities in that field. The distance between Annika and Shivaay would only make things more complicated. Being in a long-distance relationship was not easy as it would test their trust, communication and emotional bond.

Feeling the same was hard. It was hard for Annika to feel close to Shivaay when he was physically so far away. A part of her wondered if it was worth the struggle if their relationship could truly flourish amidst all the challenges.

Amidst all these conflicting emotions fear also played a significant role in Annika's mind. She feared the vulnerability that came with loving and trusting someone completely. The pain of potential rejection or heartbreak petrified her causing her to hesitate in fully opening her heart to Shivaay. The fear of losing control over her emotions and inviting the possibility of being hurt clouded her judgment.

Annika's thoughts were disturbed, becoming a constant battleground of emotions. She felt torn between her past and her present between her desires and the expectations of her family. It was a struggle to untangle her feelings and make sense of them amidst the chaos in her mind.

Ultimately Annika stood at a crossroads uncertain of which path to take. Should she let go of her past and fully embrace the love that is growing for her husband? She pondered. Or should she hold on to what is familiar and known even if it may not offer the same depth of connection?


The living room of the ancestral Oberoi home was adorned with an old-fashioned chandelier casting a warm golden glow on the opulent surroundings. The table was set immaculately with fine china, that was preserved for occasional guests while today was exceptional in years, and gleaming silverware glasses ready for a sumptuous dinner, prepared by the head of the family Pinky Oberoi.

Seated at the opposite chair of the head of the table was Shivaay the epitome of grace and dignity his intense eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief. Beside him sat his beautiful wife Annika her eyes twinkling with both love and concern as she glanced at the couple sitting opposite them Shivaay's parents Pinky and Shakti.

Only Shubh was missing.

He had created a huge blowup when he was denied of coffee that Shivaay was sipping this evening. Pinky, being a desi mother had tried to take control over the same, however, Shubh only began his truculence. Later he was fed his medicines and soon he was doozy, whilst his eyes dropped in sleepiness.

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