17. Yeeun

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I don't know who's more skeptical of this – me or Jungkook. I'm supposed to intentionally get close to another man, one that wants me to work for him, in a crime field. I guess we're both not the biggest fans of this idea.

That's still better than actually working for him. I appreciate him appreciating me, but – as Yoongi cleverly pointed out – this is not my world.

As long as Min Yoongi isn't actually fucking with us. I decided to believe him and follow through with this plan, but I question this choice every day. Documents can be faked, lies can be told. If Yoongi's telling the truth – alright. But if all of this is a game, we might end up more fucked than ever.

I'm doing it, though. I believe I'm smart enough to get out of this if I have to. With or without Yoongi. Whatever shit I am actually putting myself through. Jimin's or Yoongi's. It doesn't matter.

After the race, instead of going home, I'm looking for Jimin. He's about to get into his car.

I practiced my acting skills all throughout the last season with Jungkook. I'm ready for this.


He stops with the door open and looks at me, smiling a bit. A curious smile. If he doesn't know we know the truth, this might be easier than I think. He wants me, after all. If I show interest too, he might open up more.

"Hey," he says. "Can I help you with something?"

"Yes, actually," I say, stopping at the other side of the door. "I was wondering if we could talk."


"This and that. Maybe racing."

He lifts his eyebrows. "Do you wanna influence my decisions?"

"Not really." I fake a smile. "I'm just..." For more dramatics, I glance back. "Look. You're young, have a whole team in the Japan Race. I'm... fascinated. I wanna know more. Whatever decision you make at the end."

He watches me, probably looking for some bullshit in my words. Which they all are, but he has no way of finding out. I'm a good liar.

"Do you have someone to take your car?" he asks. I nod. "Give them the keys and come back. We'll have a drink and talk."

I almost run across the parking lot, as if I'm so damn excited. I'm not excited at all. I'm kinda fucking worried about how this will look like.

I find Jungkook, throw my keys to him and take my phone. "Find someone to get my car. I'm putting my location on, just in case. I'm going with Jimin."

He wraps his arm around me and kisses me. "It better all be worth it, because I genuinely hate this."

"You and me both." I sigh. Then, seeing how he truly and genuinely doesn't like that, I smile and smack his arm. "Hey. We're in this together, Jeon Jungkook. Always have been. And I apparently have a criminal mastermind potential. Nothing to worry about." That earns me a smile from him.

Unwillingly, I get back to Jimin.

He's driving a Mercedes AMG now. At a bop of his head, I get into the passenger's seat. From the first moment I can tell he doesn't race. Maybe sometimes to escape the cops or another danger, but not on a regular basis. But that's not how I'm supposed to think. I'm supposed to be fascinated.

Wow, he's such a gifted racer. I'm so mesmerized. Wow.

"How long have you been racing?" I ask. Not only do I need to act fascinated, I need to get to know this guy. Get to know him my way. How he lies, what he does when he lies, body language, facial expressions, tone of his voice.

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