Part 6: Charmer

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The career's eyes were particularly sharp as they scoped out their competition. It was the second, and final, day of group training and they were certainly making the most of it.

Eve kept her newfound skills to a minimum, deciding it would be best to keep the careers from seeing her as a threat. They already wanted her dead and she didn't want to reinforce that idea.

The boy from district 12 had different plans when he surprised everyone and threw a 75 pound weight across the room. Eve had brushed the shorter boy, Peeta if she remembered correctly, to the side the day before. She wondered if his district partner had something up her sleeve as well.

Katniss stuck to knot tying and fire starting, much to Eve's dismay. She hated not knowing. If the girl had a skill, she didn't want to be surprised when she used it against her in the arena.

They had a conversation the day before, but she doubted that would make her hesitate to kill when her own life was on the line. The cold and calculating look in her grey eyes left Eve feeling uneasy.

It was nothing compared to the feeling that rushed through her veins when Cato's piercing eyes landed on hers.

It seemed to Eve that he spent his whole day sizing her up, checking out every one of her abilities.

She wanted to know what he was thinking. Could he see through her act? She didn't think he was smart enough for that.

*** *** ***

Finnick stomped into the dinning room. "You got in a fight with Cato?"

Eve glared at Ethan. "Thanks for snitching."

His eyes moved to his lap. "I'm sorry."

She sighed, stabbing the chopped fruit on her plate. "It's fine."

"That was stupid." He scolded. "Do you have any idea what kind of twisted thoughts go through a career's head?"

"He was asking for it." She argued.

"He was." Ethan backed her up.

"I don't care." Finnick said. "Cato is the last person you want to make enemies with."

"Isn't that the truth." TeeLee mused. "He's so big. And muscular. And strong."

"Do you need a glass of water?" Eve asked as the woman's face grew red. "Or a bucket?"

"Now I understand why so many people have bones to pick with you." She muttered.

"Waaah waah." Eve mocked, rolling her eyes.

Finnick chuckled softly as he shook his head. She was just like her father.

"Don't encourage her!" TeeLee scolded.

"Her sense of humor might get her a few more sponsors at the show." He said. "She needs to use whatever she can."

"But more important than that is the evaluation tomorrow morning." He said. "Sponsors won't spend their money if they don't think you have a chance at winning."

Eve turned towards her male counterpart. How was he supposed to prove he could win these games? "How do we do that?"

Finnick smiled his charming white toothed smile. "Show off."

She scoffed. "Easy for you to say Mr. Trident Master."

Ethan giggled from beside her and she smiled.

"Just try your best." He said. "Both of you."

*** *** ***

Eve tossed and turned in her dark bedroom. Just the thought of having to perform for the game makers was making her sweat.

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