Part 13: Venom

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The screams echoing through the forest were split by the canon's sharp boom.

Eve shot to her feet, pulling Finch up with her. "Get your stuff."

Finch grabbed her bag with shaking hands and threw it over her shoulder.

Eve's knuckles turned white against the spear in her hands as she faced the pounding feet in front of them.

They began to split off in different directions. All but one. The loudest set was heading straight for them.

"Run." Eve shoved Finch into the woods. "I'm right behind you."

She looked at her with scared eyes before darting into the dark woods.

Eve had what she thought was a solid plan. Wait for whoever was coming so she could lead them away from Finch.

That plan flew out the window when Cato came crashing into her campsite.

His arms were raised high as he frantically waved at an invisible force around him.

He hadn't noticed her until their bodies collided, forcing both of them to crash to the ground.

His blue eyes were wide with panic in the pale moonlight.

"Water." Even when hysteric his voice was strong enough to rattle her bones.

His panic made her panic.

"This way." She grabbed his arm and began to pull him quickly through the dark forest while her eyes darted across the trees for any sign of danger.

Her mind turned at whatever made the mighty Cato Hadley run. It pulled her legs faster towards the water's edge.

Cato dove under without missing a beat and the fear of not knowing exactly what was happening pulled Eve into the water after him.

It was cold against her legs, but she continued to wade until her stomach was submerged. She swiveled on the balls of her feet as she scanned the tree line for danger.

Cato resurfaced, pulling off his soaked shirt. His muscles rippled as he threw it to slap against the rocky shoreline. The bright moonlight cast deep shadows over his skin, making his muscles looked even more defined than usual.

"What the hell are you doing?" She narrowed her eyes at him. If he wanted a bath why did he make such a big scene?

"Getting out some of the venom." He said, rubbing his rough hands over the forming welts on his skin.

"Venom?" Eve looked back into the woods and ventured farther into the water. "What the hell's out there?"

"Tracker Jackers."

She'd heard of them before. Deadly and painful. But the worst part were the hallucinations that followed their sting.

"What happened?"

"The girl on fire happened."

Eve laughed, much to Cato's disapproval.

His strong legs sloshed through the water until he stood in front of her. "You think this is funny?"

He looked terrifying with deep shadows casting over his face, turning his bright eyes dark. She wondered if he could hear her heart racing.

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